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‘Virtual celebration events’ will be held this summer for the class of 2021
Students have been told Professor Miller is on ‘sick leave’ and reassigned personal tutors
Violence broke out at around 22:30
Four rows of police officers stand between demonstrators and the Bridewell police station
They have made clear that ‘the safety of all our students’ is a priority
The police initially claimed that one officer was left with a broken arm and another suffered with broken ribs after Bristol’s ‘Kill the Bill’ protest
Two police officers were seriously injured in last night’s violence
The police have said that these vigils are ‘unlawful’
Apparently you can tell a lot about a person from their June 21st plans
The amendment is in relation to allegations that China is committing genocide against the Uyghur muslims.
Body-cam footage shows party-goers running out of the building as police arrive
‘First time in my three years the uni has actually told us stuff’
All libraries, except from the ASS, will close
‘It’s hard to put into words how much we loved Matt’
There have been seven reported anti-Semitic incidences at Bristol Uni since 2018
Students are being encouraged to ‘rat’ each other out
The university is planning to roll out mass testing from November 30th
Over 1,200 students have been withholding £1 million in rent
Teaching will change on a programme by programme basis
One witness said ‘thank God we managed to run fast’
‘TB1 has not turned out the way it was sold to students over summer’
Since last January he has been brought up in roughly every other JSOC committee meeting
There have been 100+ new cases every three days
Obviously no Bristol fresher could survive without passata
They’re getting £10 in Deliveroo vouchers every day
There are just 925 seats for 27k students
The seating capacity has also been cut from 500 to just over 100
Well at least it’s not Newport again
It’s what we all think when the queue for Parsons stretches to the ASS
Get me back to paying for pints I can’t afford at Steam
And you thought you were edgy? Have you even seen a FUZE show???
Petition for UoB to start temporarily renaming its buildings like this??
Miller resigned during an investigation into his conduct
One petition calls for the renaming of Cabot Circus
Horses have been brought in to control the crowds
BLM counter-protestors were chased away
Really, what did you expect from Whiteladies Road and Black Boy Hill?
This is the first black man to have had a statue built in his honour in Bristol
He said ‘Comrade Starmer’ was in ‘receipt of money from the Zionist movement’
The festival starts today!
Bristol grads have created a new clothes selling platform where the proceeds go to NHS charities
Derren Brown wore a cloak and hung out in caves as a Bristol student
The rest of the executive team is taking a 10 per cent pay cut
The work first appeared on a wall near the Bristol Harbourside in 2014