The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
Sanya Burgess, still recovering from the Graduation Ball, looks back at the good (and the bad) from her time at Exeter.
Exeter’s English Society try and bring all the lols to the yard.
Crack cocaine and naked men: It seems quiet student street, Haldon Road, is turning into a bit of a mad one.
Lucrezia Slinn argues for and explains the world of being abstinent at University
Exeter University’s bonds with Indian Universities strengthened
Did steak and blowjob day leave you feeing sad and alone? The Tab is here to help you find love!
Nick “Welshy” Davies is punished after verbally abusing student
Exeter’s cheerleaders dominate their most recent competiton
Student campaign to keep our street lights switched on is being backed by police.
A man repeatedly groped female students in the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, on the High Street and around campus.
Students evacuated from the business school over fears of a gas leak
If you feel anything about the Safer Sex Ball and want to make it known, head down to the Forum
An alarm in the forum has caused students to be evacuated. It is currently unclear if this is a drill or if an actual fire has broken out.
With SSB gone, there’s space for a new #1 Ball in town. There may not be underwear, but by George it looks like a lot of fun.
For budding lawyers and avid walkers, the annual Wainwright Walk is here.
Deputy editor Sanya Burgess shares some recipes mule go crazy for.
This Valentine’s someone’s been making some hot love in the kitchen…or rather just some burnt food.
Plucky first year Bella Berngart isn’t put off by not seeming to know much about what being Guild President is about or what she’ll do next year if she wins. She likes wiggling her bum and needs your vote!
Meet Nicole, a 20 year old student paying her way through her studies through “mutually beneficial arrangements” with older, wealthier men, as The Tab investigates the Sugar Baby phenomenon.
The Guild elections are upon us. Prepare yourself for hassle on your way to seminars and cringey campaign stunts on campus.
VoteFest: offering you free entry to the Lemmy and no excuse not to find out more about the elections
A toaster in Lafrowda has wreaked havoc after catching fire
From giving head to losing your head – The Guild begin to crack down.
Amidst rumours of a riot, the campaign group against the “Tribal” SSB theme have made moves to disrupt the SSB on Monday and have called for staff and faculty support.
A sizeable fire broke out in Well Street in the early hours of this morning.
Someone call Noah, because Exeter’s got itself into a helluva flood.
At first it looked like a simple ticket, but if anything it was a whole lot worse
Man defies police for four hours on top of Elmside houses in repeat of last year’s Vic Street scenes
Police arrest machete-wielding Father Christmas-lookalike just off footpath to campus.
With the council proposing to turn our streetlights off it seems somewhat ironic that Exeter is launching their Christmas lights on Thursday, 22 November – but you know, yay! Christmas!
If you’ve had wish-I-could-vote-for-Obama fever, don’t worry! You can vote for your local Police Crime Commissioner.
In case you’ve missed Exeter Uni looking like a building site, the University has announced plans to spend £20 million on a bioengineering centre.
Get into the festive feel by donning your skates and hopping onto the ice with RAG!
Has the announcement of SSB dates got you buzzing? Or are you just really excited about Halloween? Well, you’re in luck as two Exeter Uni students have been frightfully busy organising one of the biggest Halloween events in Exeter for years.
University of Exeter honorary graduate Hilary Mantel won the Man Booker Prize on the , for the second time.
Researcher will be sentenced at the beginning of November
TabTV launches with a visit to Friday Night Timepiece.
A bust pipe has flooded John Lewis.
People queued in the rain for a piece of the action
50th anniversary of the film icon’s death is marked by the Bill Douglas Centre.
Police are hunting for the Xfactor star’s doppelgänger after pub brawl
The Uni’s favourite songstress covers an Exeter classic specially for The Tab.
SANYA BURGESS spends a hungover morning drinking in the perfume fumes and the washboard abs at the new Hollister store.
Exeter has been ranked in the top 200 unis in the world
Sanya Burgess reviews local hidden gem Bombay Bills
Nutrimunch is a local, student based business that will help you get fit and trim!
An escaped parrot has been reunited with its owner after milling around Pitcher and Piano
It seems Exeter University’s Got Talent.
Hannah Berney on revising between rehearsals, her pre-match nerves and the outfits she wears on stage.
Hannah Berney on revising between rehearsals, her pre-match nerves and the outfits she wears on stage.
Our University’s TV wins a ton of awards and wins the bid to host the 40th NaSTA ceremony!
Walking home from Arena in darkness? That’s what we as students could face…
On the 19th April, Exeter’s SIFE team (Students In Free Enterprise) cleaned up at their very first time at the National SIFE awards.
Sanya Burgess of the success of Exeter Uni’s blossoming superstar.
Exeter Uni Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team have made it to the 2012 SIFE UK National Competition.
The Drop brings you an exclusive Interview with Exeter Uni’s very own Talent Star
Exeter University undergrad, Laura Johnson, has been charged over her actions during the London riots
Exeter University’s Mood Disorder Research Centre has opened
Next September there will be fewer university places avaliable
Exeter is home to some of the most promising businesses in the UK
Exeter University Student, Laura Johnson’s trial over her actions in the London riots begins.
Struggling with essays? This little list might just help!
Sanya Burgess interviews a member of Occupy Exeter.
Sanya Burgess covers Occupy Exeter’s movements since their eviction and interviews a member of their group.
Exeter’s local protestors have begun squatting in an empty office space by the Cathedral.