The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
The Tab talks to Tom Tallon and Anne Taylor, founders of ‘the Co-production Group’, about the impact their project has on homelessness in Cambridge
I’m sick of being babied
Coping with distance, uncertainty and sex deprivation
There are due to be 1,400 attendees
Week 8 News Column
Part 5: “He was dead from the cold. And this is what they’re doing” – how insensitive Council policies affect rough sleepers
News Column Week 7
“I have been called a ‘Tory’ and accused of peddling ‘right-wing dogwhistles’” – The Tab speaks to Peter McLaughlin
The event description said ‘grab your elephant trousers and neon face paint’
News Column Week 5
There’s more than one way to enjoy May Week
An email was sent out by the Master yesterday
Week 4 News Column – it’s been a crazy one!
‘If they love digging so much, we thought we’d dig up their front lawn for them’
We are looking for creative submissions for our upcoming art exhibition!
Hit and miss overall, but where it does hit the spot, both hilarious and meaningful
News Column Week 3
Keep track of the teams’ progress as they try to get as far away from Cam as possible
#idiot #moron #wanker #virgin #poncey bastard #cleverdom
It’s been a week
News Column Week 1
We’re looking to expand the project this term and we need you
Gonville and Caius fellow Dr Jason Scott-Warren was fined £800
His resignation followed pressure from the student body
Do not love paying nine grand a year for iDiscover access
Why everyone should try their hand at meditation
Good riddance to bad rubbish
The Cambridge classicist was made to strip down to her ‘scrappy undies’
Shocking new report by Zero Carbon Society released on Monday
I wanted more meat
Controversial readmission of Dr Hutchinson stokes debate
Don’t forget to take time for yourself
Reflections on working for the Telephone Campaign
Beef and lamb were removed from menus three years ago
A whole lot of people-watching
The endemic culture of bailing
Charity shops are the way to go
Open letter calls for the event to be scrapped
Reassuringly relatable, awkwardly honest and wonderfully provocative.
I NEED all of them
Opt out if you don’t want your results made public
Not that I’m one to talk lol
Oh, the art of bullshitting
Looking beyond the baggy cardigans