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Class list opt-out opens TODAY

Opt out if you don’t want your results made public

The thought of your results being displayed for all to see might make your stomach churn. Understably so. The policy, which was introduced last year following a long student campaign, is aimed at alleviating stress and poor mental health over the exam period.

The undue worry and stress provoked by the thought of getting a bad result and seeing it displayed publicly can be severe, particularly for those who suffer from anxiety.

An opt-out policy therefore seems like an obvious solution. In spite of this, it was an immense struggle to convince the University to introduce it.

The issue was first raised in 2016 when CUSU ran a referendum. The student body voted in favour of an easy and accessible opt-out system, but it was another year before they got the motion through Regent House (the official governing body of the University), breaking the 300-year-old tradition. Last year saw an astonishing 36.5% of students opt out.

To opt out this year, log into CamSIS, go to 'exams', then go to 'my result publication choice' and then slide to opt out!