The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
17 students have occupied the Jessop West building
Bananas, an inflatable horse and lots of Where’s Wallys
Caterpillars, cowgirls and carnarge coming your way…
David Miller was cleared of all antisemitism allegations earlier this year
58 universities across the country will be striking in December
“We know when enough is enough and our members at Sheffield Hallam University have spoken out clearly”
78.8 per cent of voters chose to back strike action
From Princess Di to Remy, the ratatouille, Sheff really outdid themselves this year
Both Hallam and Sheffield University’s weekly Wednesday club nights have been cancelled
Students across the UK are taking part in the Night In Campaign
‘I’m still processing the fact that I’ve got my own stalker, and it’s my university management’
Police have arrested a former Sheffield student in connection to the attack
‘We understand the inconvenience this may have caused’
We’re recruiting new writers to join our team
The OG Harley is returning…
Whether you’re studying at Hallam or Uni of – we’ve got you covered
‘Everyone was so hyped and ready to be back’
The most severe incidents included stalking and online harassment
‘It was the sort of thing I could have only ever dreamed of’
There will be no need to social distance or wear masks
It was awarded 95th place
Come and support your local bands
Get ready for three days of DJs sets and all night raves
Sheffield Archeology Department is ranked 12th worldwide
Sheffield has the 10th highest Covid-19 rating in England
The GoFundMe page was set up to help Jacob travel the world
‘I feel really unsafe around staff that are meant to protect us’
Roads were blocked off outside the police station
The last 12 months through the eyes of Sheffield students
A Scorpio lives and breathes Hallam Nation
It was officially cancelled, but people still showed their respects
The vigil will be held at 6pm on Devonshire Green
‘Mashed potato is a no no’
‘I was so overwhelmed, they offered me a session with a psychologist’
Let’s stand up to street harassment and improve lighting in our green spaces
He has been suspended following the incident
Both are yet to reintroduce the safety net
Maybe living at home won’t be so bad…
Hello Boris, we still exist!
It’s set to be the largest rent strike in 40 years
‘His courage, stoicism and positivity in the face of illness were extraordinary and inspirational’
It’s due to air in 2021
Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of the Steel City’s singletons
Pubs not serving a ‘substantial meal’ will be forced to shut
‘We are the next generation and we should be valued as such’
The University of Sheffield alone has over 1,000
Prioritising mental health has never been more important
It will discuss the rapid rise in cases
Let’s hope corona has gone by May
“It’s odd when people are queuing up for the nightclub and it’s still sunny outside”
And it’s only day three of the new term…
Don’t worry Sheff students, Christmas isn’t ruined yet
‘Jacob was the light of our life and we have been devastated by his loss’
Other unis have removed the charge for this year
We’re not kidding
“If what’s happening in the world right now doesn’t infuriate you, you’re not human”
Their tour to Croatia was cancelled, but that didn’t stop them going the distance virtually
We miss West Street, our friends and Nursery Tav
Let’s all sign it
The glam Sheffield event was a sellout
Literally toilet paper from the birthplace of Pulp
Pls stay sane, Sheff x
But, physical distance measures have been put in place.