The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
The editor who coordinated The Tab’s election coverage looks back
The 2017 General Election gave young people the opportunity to change politics – they did
Obviously the same as your dad
Read it and weep with joy
If you’re new to uni, or heading back for third year, you ain’t paying a penny
‘Jazz hands are used throughout NUS in place of clapping which can cause disturbance and create anxiety’
Seems reasonable
Fool me once, shame on you
Queen of Social Justice
And Barry Gibb is back woo
‘Can I get no gherkin please’
And that includes Christmas and New Year
Please for the love of Christ not the Sunday dive
The British world champion on wearing his belt to Harrods and partying with Drake
Come with us now on a journey through his chequered past
‘You do not need to be rich to eat delicious food’
Oh, and it also doubles as a conditioner
As if she were nought but a grain of sand
And a handy map to boot
Are we human? Or are we dancers?
‘That segment of white graduate London is just there now – and a lot of them are wired on coke’
A comprehensive guide to identifying a fake pair of Boost 350s
If you’re going through Victoria, keep going
I’ll have a double please barkeep
RIP French Brie and Grape
Osmosis is the movement of molecules from high to low concentration through a semipermeable membrane
He’s not me, and that’s upsetting
It’s super effective
And he did it in January
Cut me in half and you’ll see ‘tragic’ written like Brighton rock
Nightclubs and festivals are both at risk of Isis suicide attacks
Three SUs have voted to disaffiliate and three have to remain
It’s a day about something bigger, and you somehow managed to make it about yourself
Ever heard of Stratford-upon-Avon?
‘One of the wrestlers will set fire to somebody’s T-shirt’
A better man, a stronger man
Yes, this list includes Stephen Fry
‘They cost £150 and you can sell them for a grand’
Take me back to the Black Horse
It’ll look so good on your CV as well
He is the reality show everyman
It means spending as much time as physically possible in the office
Wow, you don’t like Donald Trump too?
It’s going to be men against boys
We asked drug dealers about their experiences
Beth yw’r ffycin pwynt?
Bug bulking not sulking
The angry mob didn’t even read past the headline
The research grant aims to preserve the dying language
Think of all the Smirnoff Ices you could buy with the savings
Uni provides an opportunity to explore their sexual identity
The study drug makes the brain work better
Her clients include Bradley Cooper and Hugh Jackman
Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three
Another day, another boozer closes in Exeter
Men don’t know that phone radiation affects testicular health
Meet Kais Chaya, who fled Syria to study at Queen’s