King’s have blocked external access to some buildings in response to increased national security
The Macadam entrance has been blocked
Following the tragedy in Manchester where twenty-two people were reported dead and another fifty-nine injured, the UK terror threat level has been raised to ‘critical’ meaning further attacks may be imminent.
This morning, it was reported that external access into all King’s campuses have been blocked and people are being asked to keep their King’s ID passes on them, keep belongings safe and unattended and avoid gathering in large numbers outside the university buildings.
Speaking to The Tab, a member of staff said: “Access to Norfolk building and my office is closed and a fire exit has been locked. I can’t get in or out freely from an access only building so I have to go up and down stairs, through buildings just for fresh air.
“The blocked access is affecting the philosophy building too, normally those entrances are card access only so random people can’t walk in. but from this morning members of staff with ID can’t get in either.”
Security confirmed that there has been no suspicious activity on campus and that this was just a precautionary measure. They said: “If you need to gain access into the premises you need to come through the main entrance because of security alert.”
Senior Vice President of Operations, Ian Tebbett has assured activity at King’s “will continue as normal but will remain under review as we follow police advice. We are working closely with King’s Health Partners and our other neighbours to ensure security is enhanced across these areas”, he said.
A King’s College London spokesperson said: “King’s College London works closely with the Cross-sector Safety & Security Communications hub linked with the Metropolitan Police Service during events such as the recent tragic attack.
“Following the Government’s decision to increase the threat level to critical, security has been increased across all King’s campuses.”