Meet the candidates running for Vice-President Welfare & Community
So, Bush House?
Why should we vote for you?
Hannah Riley: Because I think King’s can be a bag of shit sometimes and I don’t think it should be tbh.
Sophie King: I have genuine passion for bringing about changes to improve welfare and communication issues for sure!
Xinyi Guo: I am caring about student welfare and would like to dedicate on it.
Name one skill that will help you in this position:
Hannah Riley: Not sure if it’s a skill, but I’m not intimidated by authority, so if someone higher up the King’s ladder says ‘no’ to a campaign idea that doesn’t mean I won’t stop trying.
Sophie King: Lobbying skills!
Xinyi Guo: Caring about others, basic knowledge and interest in psychology, skills on leadership and communication, experience of outreach minister.
What’s the first thing you’ll change as VPWC?
Hannah Riley: Strict essay regulations – we shouldn’t be harshly punished for handing in an essay a few seconds late.
Sophie King: I will introduce full-funded scholarships for the KCL global internship or I will replace it with the affordable programmes.
Xinyi Guo: I will set up talk and help office as well as group chat and outdoor activities to help students address and get rid of their psychology issues and daily stress.
Will you enrol scholarships across the board, for all courses and do you have any plans for Bush House?
Hannah Riley: Yes, they should be enrolled across all courses, but with a focus on widening participation students. As for Bush House, I think King’s needs more social spaces so it would be great to have a room full of beanbags, or a large screen for film showings… or both.
Sophie King: Yes, I will enrol scholarships across the board as everyone deserves the best and I want to make Bush House the hub of students centre.
Xinyi Guo: As a previous outreach minister, I would like to go for more finance resources and corporations to help with student scholarships and activity fees.