Clubbers of the week: End of year special
All good things come to an end
The end of the year is here, and so our favourite clubbers face the final curtain.
Our final clubbers of the week this year goes out to the ones who did it their way.
Brows of the year
Imagine waking up with him standing over your bed
Retro DJ of the year
This work just like vinyl ja?
Best local barbers’ night out
Only £10 for a scissor cut mate
Therapy session of the year
And how does that make you feel?
It makes me feel underappreciated
Sleepiest clubber of the year
Poly students of the year
‘Cos they get so many Bs, right?
Strongest new signing
He’s got a direct style of play that will fit in well at this club
Loneliest clubber
But I bought them all hats?
Least comfortable clubber of the year
That’s not how you fold your arms bud
Hero of the year
You and me both mate
Lest we forget: Edwin
He was the best of us
Best ‘I won my accumulator’ face
Get in! Now I can afford Barca with the lads
Best original drama
Edge of the seat stuff
Best clubber of all time
I mean, there’s never going to be a better one than this