Remember Gabriella from MIC? Well, we found her YouTube channel and it’s an absolute goldmine
Gabs, what happened hun?
As irrelevant characters go, Gabriella from Made in Chelsea was pretty memorable. The on-screen split from Ollie was uncomfortable to watch and her personality seemed to clash with everyone else's.
Oh, and then there's that music video she made, using a doppelgänger of Ollie, where later on she couldn't understand why he thought she was a psycho.
But really, she was misunderstood. She's a creative genius and her YouTube channel, 'London Ellis', proves it.
Gabriella's channel boasts a plethora of artistic content, ranging from her music latest releases to carefully curated vlogs.
'Fight' is obviously the most popular video on the channel, because it's an absolute classic, but also because it was written during her valuable time on MIC. Sadly, the song seems to have been the pinnacle of her music career, because more often than not her videos only reach around 200 views.
Boasting 5.5k followers, she's rebranded herself as 'London Ellis.' Gabs even refers to herself as London, because she wants her fans to get what it's like to live a luxurious London life through her eyes. But she lives in LA, lol. She films vlogs in her room, with a pizza float in the background and the poo emoji pillow.
She also loves getting personal with her audience. Her May Favourites video shows that she's just like the rest of us, with her pink cat onesie and a £50 face mask.
Since she's left MIC, your girl has kept making music. And if you're wondering, it's more cringe than ever.
One of her best original songs, 'London to LA', is a creation of musical ingenuity, where she bridges American and British cultural differences and shows that she can have fun with anyone, anywhere. The story is that she falls in love with a surfer and calls her mum on her “celly" to tell her. Her mum disapproves but replies “as long as you're back by tea." Beautiful.
As well writing her own music, her talent extend to doing song covers. Gabriella has legitimately gone through the effort to hire a videographer to shoot professional videos for songs that aren't hers, for an audience that doesn't exist.
A personal favourite is 'Levels', her cover of the Nick Jonas original that she did with her mate Luke. Here, the medium in which she chooses to express herself through is dance. Her art is channeled through movement, as seen below.
There's also a really exciting feature on her blog called 'The Lip Reading Challenge', revealing the depths of Gabriella's character, which we didn't get to see on Made in Chelsea. She reminds us that as well as " living the London life", it's important to stay educate yourself and know how to lipread.
London/Gabriella/whatever the fuck she's called, even lets us catch a glimpse of her May 2017 trip to Tulum. The footage of her exploring the depths of the Mexican swimming pools is layered with her latest single 'Summer', highlighting her passion for culture.
The video is shot on a selfie stick, literally showing Gabriella walking around a hotel pool and going on several bike rides on a pretty grim road. She drags her friend around, who looks miserable, and there's even a random shot of her having a shower on the beach.
Surprisingly, the video has 192 views. But her strong fan-base must be the motivation for her relentless attitude to create more art, because the top comment reads: “Love your work usually but this vid is like a family holiday video taken by amateurs."
Made In Chelsea stars usually quit the show and go on to success. Millie's got a clothing line, Spencer's modelling for D&G, Lucy's got a cookbook and a vegan make-up range. Gabs, you might have left before them, but you do you babes, your time will come.