‘I stopped breathing and lost consciousness after my drink was spiked with Ketamine at Leeds Festival’
Someone asked Loren if they could borrow her lighter, she doesn’t remember anything after that
A video was posted on Facebook showing a girl at Leeds Festival who had her drink spiked with what she believes to be ketamine.
Loren Froggart uploaded the video showing her lying in her tent, writhing and gurning, struggling to drink from a bottle of water.
She then lost consciousness, nearly choked on her own vomit, and found herself struggling to breathe. She says that if her fiancé hadn't been there she could have died.
Loren says she finds the video embarrassing, but has uploaded it in order to raise awareness and make other people more vigilant. Some people might find this article and the video distressing.
Loren has written about what happened to her below.
Me and my fiancé, Adam, had booked to go to Leeds Festival all the way back in March for the main reason that Eminem would be headlining.
Travelling up from Nottingham on the Thursday, we arrived extremely excited for the weekend ahead.
We walked through the entrance and although there was security conducting bag searches, we didn't get searched and were just asked to walk over to get our wristbands.
Once in the campsite, we found a spot to set up and then grabbed a couple of beers and some food to get us started. The camp atmosphere was awesome. Everyone was smiling, playing music, setting up their tents and drinking beers. It was your typical festival vibes.
Over the course of the night and the following day we got properly stuck in, seeing loads of acts such as Giggs, Charli XCX, and Muse. The vibe was incredible, our fellow festival goers seemed nice and everyone was just there having a good time and enjoying the music and festival.
After such a hectic Friday, my fiancé and I decided to take it easy on the Saturday, and both decided to not drink too much that day because we wanted to be sober enough to enjoy Kasabian that evening.
The entrance to get into the arena was quite busy when we arrived around 4pm, and after eventually getting to the front of the queue, security gave me the most pathetic excuse of a pat down ever. They didn't even search my bag. It was the same for my fiancé – anyone could have got anything through those gates.
After getting in, we saw some incredible acts including Lethal Bizzle, Shy FX and Bastille, but left Bastille after fifteen minutes to head back to the tent to get some more money before we went to watch Kasabian.
My fiancé popped to the toilet on the way to the exit and I waited for him outside, he was in there for a short while due to the queues. During this time a young guy came over to me and asked to borrow a lighter.
I believe this is when the substance was put in my drink, whilst I was distracted looking for a lighter.
My fiancé came out of the toilet shortly after and we headed back towards the tent, but before that he headed to the bar to get a drink. I sat on the grass and waited for him and it was at this point I began to feel really strange. I suddenly felt quite drunk, very dizzy and lethargic. I was feeling really spaced out before I blacked out. I don't remember anything past this point and my fiancé has given me the details of how the rest of the night went on.
Adam had to carry me back to the tent as I couldn't walk and just kept falling over. Adam said I was quite hyperactive whilst he was giving me a piggyback back to the tent and asking people for high fives, but I don't remember it.
Once back at the tent my eyes kept rolling into the back of my head, I urinated on myself, lost control of my jaw and tongue, and started vomiting white, frothy bile.
I then lost consciousness several times, leading me to choke on my own vomit and stop breathing a couple of times.
I was unable to stay in the recovery position as I was convulsing so hard. I was being verbally abusive to my partner who was trying his hardest to help me.
This was going on for around two hours and if it wasn't for my wonderful fiancé supporting me, and him having first aid training, I might not be here to write this.
I wasn't stupidly drunk as I'm careful and pace myself so I don't end up putting myself in danger. I believe the substance put in my drink was ketamine.
My partner googled my symptoms and looked on FRANK at typical date rape drugs, and we came to the conclusion that my drink was likely to have been spiked with ketamine. Also, when I visited the medical tent the following day and showed them the video they said it looked like it could have been ketamine.
The following day I felt very dazed and spaced out, I felt quite sick and worn out.
It is pathetic and cowardly to spike someone's drink. At the time I was standing by myself and someone obviously saw this as an opportunity. If I wasn't a relatively healthy individual, hadn't limited my alcohol consumption throughout that day, or if I hadn't been with my fiancé, things could've been so much worse.
I understand that young people want to experiment with drugs, I don't have a problem with that, but they are illegal for a reason.
There needs to be better security and searching at Leeds Festival, not only for drugs, because the searching conducted was terrible. There needs to be more security patrolling the campsites and a medic on every camp site.
A festival republic spokesperson commented:
"We are glad to hear that Loren has made a report to police with the allegation. In a similar situation, we would advise speaking to the nearest member of staff immediately. All of our 1,500 security, stewards and campsite staff on duty can reach medical control immediately for assistance and appropriate tests.”
There is detailed advice and information on personal safety and drugs on the Leeds Festival website here.