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New data reveals exactly how many students are middle class at your uni

Literally EVERYONE is middle class

Being middle class is a spectrum. Do you and your housemates often find yourselves huddled round your kitchen table devouring a pot of houmous? Do you holiday at your second home in Devon?

It would get boring if there was a singular middle class mould, made even more important seeing as the majority of people you go to uni with are middle class.

This is according to new stats from The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018. The research shows 70 per cent of students at nearly every Russell Group uni are middle class.

The top three most middle class universities are Oxford, Cambridge and St Andrews, with a staggering 90 per cent of Oxford students being middle class.

Next comes Durham, Bristol and Exeter, with 80 per cent of their student populations being middle class. Shock.

Of the top 20 most middle class unis, only three are non-Russell Group. Bath placed eighth, Loughborough came 19th and Sussex were in 20th, with middle class students making up 77.5 per cent of their student population.

If you want to avoid spending three years listening to gap yah stories, or alternatively want to find like-minded toffs in Barbour jackets, these rankings aren't necessarily that helpful. Wherever you end up going to uni, you're likely to be surrounded by middle class people, just like you.

Below shows the most middle class universities in the UK based on the percentage of students there who are middle class.

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