Introducing Iris Law: Jude Law’s daughter who is so perfect, she might as well be from heaven
Yeah she models for Burberry, no biggie
When you were 17, the biggest highlights of your life were passing your driving test, getting hold of fake IDs and going to house parties with people you see five days a week at school.
But Iris Law is no ordinary 17-year-old. She's the daughter of Jude Law and Sadie Frost and she's set to make big waves in the fashion industry.
Iris first hit headlines when she was just two years old, after accidentally biting into an ecstasy pill she found at a children's party at Soho House. And with both parents being award-winning actors, it's clear to see her life has been wild.
She is Jude Law's and Sadie Frost's daughter
Both of her parents are household names, so Iris has been exposed to fame since birth. Jude Law and Sadie Frost separated in 2003, when Iris was two years old. They also had two sons named Rafferty and Rudy.
She started her modelling career when she was 15
Speaking to ID last year, she explained that her career started with a shoot for Illustrated People.
She said: "I kind of just rocked up thinking it was a little shoot. I was excited to see how the photos would turn out but I didn't realise it was going to be a reveal type thing.
"Then it dropped and it was on the website and newspapers were picking up on it. My agent, who I'm with now saw that and got in touch. I didn't think anything would come of it."
Her godmother is Kate Moss
Kate Moss if a family friend, so it's no surprise that she's also Iris' godmother. Iris was also a bridesmaid at Kate Moss' wedding in 2011.
Having one of the biggest names in fashion as your godmother, certainly doesn't hurt her modelling career ambitions – just think of all the advice she can get.
She's a global ambassador for Burberry
Iris' big break came when she started working on beauty campaign for Burberry. She is now a new global ambassador for the luxury fashion house.
When she first got the job, she told Vogue: “I feel really honoured to have been chosen! I’ve been really excited for the campaign to come out – and maybe a bit nervous, too.”
She is dating fellow Burberry model Kelvin Bueno
Iris is dating fellow Brazilian Burberry model Kelvin Bueno, who is 19. The pair have been spotted at different fashion shows and they frequently post pictures of each other on their Instagram.
She wants to go into something creative
In previous interviews, Iris always mentions her passion for painting. When speaking to W magazine, she said: "I do art, so I take photos to paint. I do portraits."
At 17, she is currently at lower-sixth, but she's yet to speak about her plans for after finishing school.