Instagram story size and dimensions: What is the best size and dimension of an Instagram story?
Also, what is the optimum Instagram photo and profile picture size?
We've already been through how Instagram ranks the viewer order on your Instagram story, how you can find out how many people are viewing your profile, and how to get that 90s filter for your Instagram photos everyone's been using recently. But how do you make sure your Instagram story is looking as good as it can?
One of the first and most important things is to make sure your story is the right size and dimension, which is especially important if you're uploading a picture from your camera roll.
Whether you are using Instagram for personal or professional use, making your Instagram story as perfect and aesthetic as possible is an absolute must.
But how do you make sure your story perfectly fits if you're uploading from your camera roll? If it's landscape you don't want all that excess space above and below or if it's too long you don't want part of it cropped out.
Here is the precise Instagram story dimensions and size to make sure yours pops.
Instagram story dimensions
Instagram story dimensions are 1080 pixels (width) by 1920 pixels (height), this also means an aspect ratio of 9:16. Aspect ratio basically means the proportions in terms of width and height.
Instagram are very specific about the dimensions and size of your stories, if your story doesn't fit the above dimensions Instagam will crop and maybe zoom into your photo or video. This could obviously cut off a crucial part of your post and even lower the quality of the photo or video.
In order to adapt your photos or artwork to fit these dimensions, editing software such as a Photoshop, Premiere Pro or After Affects will do the job.
But if you are looking to edit on your phone, apps such as Layout from Instagram and VSCO for photos, and InShot for video are all great.
Instagram profile picture size
The ideal Instagram profile picture size is 180 pixels by 180 pixels. They have to be a minimum of at least 110 pixels by 110 pixels.
Instagram photo size
The ideal size of an Instagram photo is 1080 pixels by 1080 pixels, this is a change from when it used to be 640px by 640px in order to keep up with how good phone screens have become, to make sure your photos look banging.
Just like Snapchat stories, Instagram stories exist for 24 hours and then they're gone, unless you save them as a highlight, so you want to make it look as good as you possibly can.
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