Meet all the famous YouTubers at your uni right now
They’re studying and making serious £££, wbu?
You know what's mind-blowing? There are minor celebrities at your uni right now and you've probably met them without realising. The person who danced embarrassingly to Mr Brightside last Wednesday night at the SU? Yep, they're a royal. That guy who asked you for a filter in the smoking area? A child actor trying to have a normal uni experience. And that girl you keep seeing in the library cafe? A YouTuber with half a million subscribers, making more money than you probably ever will.
We've already identified the famous royals, child actors and Insta celebs at your unis, but what about the student vloggers? Meet the famous YouTubers at your uni right now:
Ruby Granger – Exeter University

via Instagram @_rubygranger
Ruby Granger is a YouTuber who specialises in "StudyTubing", a fairly recent trend which involves people essentially vlogging while they work.
Most "StudyTubers" upload unedited two-hour sessions, seemingly with the aim of having the viewer study alongside them in real-time. Ruby's videos instead involve her recording herself over entire days on time-lapse for up to 15 hours at a time.
She is studying Philosophy and Theology at Exeter University with 60, 500 followers on Instagram and 315,000 subscribers on YouTube.
Grace Beverley – Oxford University

via Instagram @gracefituk
Grace is a final year student, studying Music at Oxford University. She is a fitness and social media influencer, who has a million followers on Instagram and 500,000 subscribers on YouTube.
Whilst studying at Oxford, Grace has launched a very successful business selling resistance bands and has also collaborated with other brands to bring out reusable bottles and "vegan" shoes. Her success means she's juggling a lot of things at once while finishing her final year at Oxford, so naturally she's hired a personal assistant to help her out.
Ibz Mo – Cambridge University

via Instagram @ibzmo
Third-year Cambridge student Ibrahim Mohammed is originally from Hackney. He vlogs his experiences as a working-class BAME student at Cambridge. Ibz is an Award-winning Educational Influencer.
He has 105,000 subscribers on YouTube and 24,000 on Instagram.
Holly Gabrielle – Cambridge University

via Instagram @veganhollyg
The vegan Cambridge vlogger has 192,000 subscribers on YouTube and 47,200 followers on Instagram. She studies Biological Natural Sciences and co-owns an ethical clothing brand called Narna.
PaigeY – Cambridge University

via Instagram @_paige_y
The Physical Natural Sciences fresher at the University of Cambridge has 10,000 followers on Instagram and 82,000 on Youtube.
Jack Edwards – Durham University

via Instagram @jackbenedwards
Jack is a vlogger at Durham University with 110,000 subscribers on YouTube and 32,000 followers on Instagram. He studies English Literature and is a BBC presenter. He's also recently started a podcast called Wooden Spoon with other YouTubers Eve Cornell, Ruby Granger and Unjaded Jade.
Eve Bennet – Oxford University

via Instagram @evebennetxx
Eve studies Modern Languages at Oxford University. She has 111, 000 followers on Instagram and 185,000 subscribers on YouTube. The 19-year-old fresher is from Birmingham.
Rosie Bea – Southampton University

via Instagram @rosietheginger
Rosie is currently studying Fashion Design at Southampton University and has 79,300 followers on Instagram. She also has a lifestyle YouTube channel with 270,000 subscribers. She's followed by Zoella.
Dylan Reeves-Fellows – York University

via Instagram @dylanreevesfellows
Dylan is 19 and studying Economics and Finance at the University of York in the UK. He's currently studying abroad in Australia. He has 32,000 subscribers on YouTube and just under 3,000 followers on Instagram.
Luke Birch – Lincoln University

via Instagram @lukebirch_
Luke Birch is a British YouTuber with almost 250,000 subscribers on YouTube and 27.6k followers on Instagram. He is a second-year Film and Television student at the University of Lincoln. The 20-year-old is originally from Essex and aspires to be a director or a producer.
Molly Thomson – Leeds University

Instagram via @beauty_spectrum
Molly is a first year student at Leeds University. She's doing a Foundation Degree in Art and Design. She has 108,000 subscribers on YouTube and 50,000 followers on Instagram. She mainly does lifestyle videos on YouTube as well as vlogs of her at uni.
Ambar Driscoll – Exeter University

Instagram via @ambardriscoll
Okay, so Ambar Driscoll not strictly a YouTuber, but her boyfriend Caspar Lee is and she appears in a lot of his videos. She is a third-year at the University of Exeter studying Classical Studies with English. She's also a model, so you may have seen her around. Her Instagram account, which has 145,000 followers, is goals.
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