This is the official behaviour document Islanders have to sign
They’ve got to sign it before they’re let loose in the villa
Being in the Love Island villa is a crazily strict experience. We already know Islanders are forbidden from masturbating, being naked in front of each other, and can only smoke one at a time.
Those who break the rules – whether it's Sherif this year, or Malia in season two – swiftly suffer the consequences.
But how deep does the control go? We've been digging and found the code of conduct form Islanders have to sign before going into the villa. It's part of a trove of Love Island documents ITV have handed to Parliament as part of an inquiry into reality TV.
Here's the code of conduct Islanders have to sign before going on the show:
It's got loads of detail about what Islanders can do before, during and after they're in the villa.
Islanders' Behaviour
Unacceptable behaviour includes bullying, any form of assault to another Islander or production staff, use of racist or homophobic language, and any sexual behaviour that is, in the opinion of producers, distressing to other Islanders.
The behavioural conduct document also raises the question of sex and states that all Islanders are old enough to have consensual sex and that producers expect the Islanders to "respect each other as adults and practice safe sex."
However, producers can step in if anyone is be behaving in an inappropriate manner whilst under influence of alcohol or drugs, or whilst engaging in sexual activity.
Inside the Villa
Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas and Islanders even have to keep rizlas, filters, or other paraphernalia off-camera.
Any attempt to bring into villa, possession or taking of illegal drugs or non-prescribed drugs will result in immediate removal from the villa.
There is also no contact with the outside world as Islanders have no access to their mobile phones or social media for the full duration.
Producers will keep Islanders' families up-to-date with their welfare.
From another document in the ITV cache, it's revealed that Islanders cannot wear anything which is branded or have visible logos on their clothes unless they are directed by producers. Last week, Molly-Mae was called out for repeatedly wearing clothes from a brand she promos on Insta.

Sherif was kicked off in the first week for breaking the rules
After the Villa
After leaving the villa, contestants are "expected to commit to the Aftercare process".
Contestants must agree that after their departure from the villa they will not, "without prior written consent, take part in any non-ITV press or public interviews until after their first appearance on Aftersun or The Reunion show."
Additionally, contestants must agree to appear as a guest on a minimum of one ITV daytime show.
They may also be required for up to eight weeks after they leave the villa and agree to take part in content that can be used to plug Love Island.
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