Skins gave us some pretty questionable outfits, but these are definitively the worst
Did none of them look in a mirror before they went out?
Skins was everyone’s favourite 2000s show about a group of messy teenagers. During its run we all became obsessed with all of the interesting but questionable story lines: The Effy, Freddie and Cook love triangle, Tony and Michelles on and off romance and *spoiler* Chris’ death that I don’t think anyone has managed to recover from. For all it did for British culture, the outfits worn by the cast really stole the show – and most of the time not for a good reason.
Now Instagram and Depop are flooded by Y2K, it is worth reminding Gen Z the 2000s are not the fashionable times they’re led to believe. So here are some of the worst outfits worn by the cast of Skins, and be warned some of them are genuinely horrifying – who thought these combos were a good idea?
Basically everything Chris wore
Starting off strong with generation one, Chris’ outfits were so awful he really should have his own list. Throughout the two series he was in, not a single item of clothing he wore matched and he constantly looked like he’d thrown on the only clean clothes he could find – judging by his decisions throughout, it doesn’t seem like much of a surprise.
However he makes up for any bad styling decision by being such a wholesome, nice character. It’s a shame we didn’t get to see anymore of his great combos after his untimely death in series two – brb off to go cry about it again.
Outfit rating: 4/10 – I love you Chris but this looks like an outfit a toddler would put together.
Chris’ vest
It’s no surprise Chris has featured on here again, the vest and hat are serving a confusing mixture of emotions, is he too hot or too cold? No one knows. With fashion sense as good as this it’s no wonder Angie couldn’t resist him.
Outfit rating: 5/10 – even his great personality can’t save him from this disaster
Jal’s camo moment
Jal was definitely the smartest out of the bunch but it still didn’t mean she knew how to dress, from the huge gold necklace to the camo jacket and vest top – everything about this outfit screams 2000s. While it definitely could be worse it really captures how truly unfashionable these times were – why does nothing ever match?
Outfit rating: 7/10 – not everything needs a bright pattern
Sid’s ‘mega dog’ t-shirt
Throughout the series Sid was never one to particularly care about how he dressed but this takes it to another level, to make it worse he teamed whatever this t-shirt is with a pair of Hawaiian shorts and brown brogues?? The fact he looked in the mirror and still chose to wear this says it all really, I’m glad that Cassie left him.
Outfit ranking: 0/10 – absolutely no redeeming qualities here
Michelle’s beach outfit
Michelle was generation one’s ‘it’ girl, the producers really had us believing she was the most fashionable of the bunch and here she is teaming a mini dungarees and layered vest combo, the Claire’s Accessories jewellery really completes the look.
Outfit ranking: 6/10 – at least the colours match
Effy’s first day of college dress
Let’s face it everyone wanted to be Effy in season three, she had two fit boys fighting over her and this carefree persona that made her so mysterious but it still doesn’t excuse some of the outfits she wore. I don’t know what the uniform rules were at their college but there was no way this t-shirt length dress and fishnet tights were allowed, bonus points for the necklaces – how Y2K of her.
Outfit rating: 6/10 – maybe could get away with it on a night out, definitely not for school
Emily and Katie’s Loveball dresses
Emily and Katie’s school dance outfits were so peak 2000s they had to be included on here. Everything from the satin dresses to the pearl and gold feather necklaces make them look like they’re straight out of Generation 915 at New Look. If anything sums up the tragic style back then it would be these outfits.
Outfit rating: 7/10 – 12 year old me would’ve ate this up
Everything that was worn by Pandora
Like Chris, Pandora was a super lovable character who also had no idea how to dress, she really incorporated the Skins style of layering basically every item of clothing with something else of a completely different pattern. What did these characters have against wearing a dress without a pair of leggings underneath?
Outfit rating: 6/10 – she gets an extra point for being so nice
Naomi’s election outfit
Naomi was sporting the Karen haircut long before it had a name but this outfit really steals the show, in true Skins fashion nothing matches or fits particularly well. Bonus points for the red pumps, I’m sure everyone had a pair of these at some point.
Outfit rating: 5/10 – please find some matching clothes
Liv’s vest number
Despite being less popular, generation three served some of the most interesting fashion moments with Liv being the main culprit. This outfit really captures the essence of all of the Skins outfits: The vests and exposed bra straps, pink star earrings, purple hair extension and not to mention the gold necklaces, it really doesn’t get more 2000s than this.
Outfit rating: 8/10 – I’m sure I used to own everything that she’s wearing
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