Abercrombie: The Building We Paid For But Can’t Use
Students desperately searching for work space in the new building are met by fierce opposition from Abercrombie resident students and lecturers.
Never before has the scramble for computers in the library been so fierce! As coursework deadlines and exams loom, the library is getting even more overcrowded.
The spanking brand new Abercrombie building, home to the Architecture, Construction, Real Estate and Planning departments has become an attractive alternative to the library but some students have faced fierce opposition from snooty Abercrombie students and lecturers.
The new £16.2 million Abercrombie building
My friends and I discovered this contempt while using the Abercrombie Urban Design Studio. On the 2nd floor is a mass of free computers, laptop power points, comfy chairs and desks. A great alternative to the stuffy decaying library it seems where we failed to find a free computer.
So off we went to the empty Urban Design Studio and just as I was settling into my coursework a Head of Department shrieked at me: “Why do you think you can come in here?” She then felt it necessary to frogmarch me out of the room.
While it’s a struggle to find PCs in the library, meanwhile in Abercrombie …
This is not the first time this has happened. Third year Geography student Demelza was threatened with ‘prosecution’ for simply using a PC there. “It’s not fair after putting up with all that noisy building work, that we don’t get to use this building.”
The Abercrombie building also boasts kitchens with fridges and microwaves on every floor, available for use by the departments’ lecturers and students.
And don’t think the bitchy behaviour is confined to lecturers. Students are in on it too. On Facebook one Urban Design student had commented “Bloody business students taking our space and abusing the microwave. There are plenty of buses to Wheatley!” Frankly their condescending attitude stinks.
The microwave is excellent for preparing popcorn
The elitist attitude of access to Abercrombie is of disservice to the cohesion of students at Brookes. If there was a defined History or Geography work space then I could understand, but there isn’t. By being given a new building all to their selves, it is clear Brookes holds its high league-table ranked Built Environment courses in high regards.
However this comes at the cost of ignoring the needs of students of ‘less esteemed’ departments. The reality is our course fees have paid for this £16.2 million building which is only available to a select few, while the rest of us are treated like criminals for even daring to step foot inside. Was the Abercrombie really worth our tuition fees?
Architecture students getting snooty
Let’s face it if Brookes are going to keep delaying the opening of the John Henry Brookes building they could at least let us use what is available. It should be open to all, regardless of subject with a universal work space on all floors.
In defiance I will continue to use the Abercrombie building and their microwave to prepare my popcorn. So until the new library is built (and who knows when that’ll be), I thoroughly recommend you join me.