

Trip to the Gyp: One-Tray-Meal Edition

Sorry in advance if you don’t have an oven…

How to decorate your Cambridge room

Your study Instagram stories will never have looked better

We asked Cambridge YouTubers and Studygrams for exam advice

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The Tab rated Cambridge’s top eight Tinder date spots

How to ensure your Tinder date is actually enjoyable

The results are in: Which Caterpillar cake do Cambridge students prefer?

Are you headed to Mainsbury’s or M and S?

We asked Cambridge students their tips for surviving Easter term

Procrastination? We don’t know what that is

Trip to the Gyp: Eight pancake combinations that’ll start a Camfess war

What kind of world are we living in where Marmite and tuna go well together in a pancake?

Near, far, wherever you are: How to celebrate Valentine’s Day during the pandemic

We’re here to help you celebrate Valentine’s Day, so sit back and take note

Heard something you think
we should know?

We want to look into your case


Nine ways to style your Cambridge puffer jacket this term

Featuring both pre- and post-pandemic outfits to help you live out your Cambridge dreams

Eight quick hobbies you can pick up this lockdown without having to sacrifice your degree

From walking in the wind to making your own fashion show at home

The Tab’s guide: How to eat more sustainably at Cambridge

Changing your diet doesn’t have to break the bank

The Tab’s Guide to Cambridge from Home: How we survived Easter 2020

Here’s how to survive an online term, from people who’ve done it before

Cabin fever: The realities of spending six weeks of your first Cambridge term in lockdown

Not every fresher had the time of their life in Michaelmas, and that’s okay

A fresher’s guide to every single thing you’ll make in your gyp this year

Everything you will *actually* make this term

We spoke to freps about this year’s freshers’ week

Throwback to when we thought freshers’ flu was our biggest worry

Catz Dine with Me: Testing the St Catharine’s college cookbook

A college-sick Catz student tries to bring a taste of Cambridge to home