How to make your shit uni room feel more homely
Yes, The Tab does interior design. If you’re feeling homesick, this is a must-read piece by Lewis Hopkins.
Uni is a barrel of laughs most of the time. We’re all busy getting drunk, occasionally doing work and sleeping, either with each other or just napping, all the time. There are times though, when we feel a bit lonely (aww), so The Tab has put together a few ideas on how to make your box room feel a bit warmer and a little more comfortable for those darker moments of term…
You’re right in thinking its late November and you’ve left it far far too late to start decorating the empty, clinical, hellish shell that apparently constitutes university accommodation. But enough of that attitude, with deadlines looming what better way to take your mind elsewhere than to actually put something on that bland noticeboard that you stare vacantly at from time to time. Below are three full proof tips to make your shitty Uni room more homely:
1. Decorations from a night out.
Ever think you never have enough pillows and your room would certainly feel more homely with one or two more? Well if you walk around the Cathays area you are sure to find cushion after cushion sitting pretty outside every other house. Take one home (as I did drunkenly the other night, much more acceptable to be seen drunk carrying a stench ridden damp cushion than sober, of course) and leave it outside your flat in the fresh air for approximately 12 hours, then take inside and clean up with a bit of ‘Vanish’ and a sponge. And hey presto, a free recycled pillow from the streets of Cardiff which just screams ‘HOMELY!!’
2. Soppy photo collage.
Yes, it’s so cliché but filling a noticeboard with the faces of friends and family is a simple way to make your room that little bit more homely. Whether it’s a picture of your mate pissed out of their head and drinking from a flower pot (quite possibly a personal story) or one of your Aunt sitting in the garden, a familiar (not always aesthetically pleasing) face is sure to make you feel at home. Yes, while most of your student loan may well be spent on pins and photo printing it is surely worth the time and money, not forgetting it gives off the impression you do actually have friends at home. Result!
3. Alcohol.
Finally, if all else fails… alcohol is a great alternative. It gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling inside that you only get at home. Whether it’s a bottle of chardonnay, a few beers, or my particular favourite at the moment, a £4 bottle of Irish Meadow (cheaper, thinner Baileys basically), drink whatever and however much is needed to take you to that special place.