Flash Floods hit Tesco Shoppers

Last weekend shoppers had more to worry about than just crowded tills, as they were hit by rain water indoors.

Pentrebane, Llandaff, Roath, Cathays and several parts of north Cardiff were affected by the rain and the treacherous waters forced the police to close roads in Ely and Culverhouse Cross.

Water forced the shoppers to evacuate

Traffic around Culverhouse Cross shopping area was at a standstill. The police advised shoppers to keep away as at least six fire engines dealt with separate incidents across the city at one point.

“I got into the M&S car park and thought ‘thank God for that.’ I went to hand the kids to my mam and the whole building was evacuated! I was stuck in the car park for two hours,” reported one shopper.

Deluge under the Blackweir Bridge

Stay safe kids.