Life after exams
Weeks of revising, mourning your social life and counting down until exams finish but is this new found freedom all it’s cracked up to be?
You’ve finally submitted that piece of coursework that’s been hanging over you all term or smashed that exam you were dreading and it’s officially time to PARTAY.
But after a few days (weeks) of eat sleep rave repeat, boredom sets in and you find yourself wondering what you did before revision began. Here are our suggestions to beat the post exam blues:
Go out for cocktails or a fancy meal
Just kidding you’re all too poor for that and if you’re not then chances are your friends can’t afford to join you. Fear not, just do it at home, I mean making cocktails can’t be that hard can it?
Try a new sport or society
It’s never to late to join and you might discover hidden talents. That said, please do NOT join the gym. Let’s be honest, if you don’t already go you’re unlikely to break old habits and it’s already busy enough with all the New Year’s resolutioners.
Actually go to lectures
It’ll help reset your body clock after all the hangovers recently and if that’s too much for you at least try to make a few seminars.
Go to the pub
Drinking was supposed to be off the menu but you’re students and without it you’ll miss waking up to texts like this.
Rediscover cooking
Super noodles and Dominos can only last you so long, when the fridge looks like this it’s time to brave the supermarket.
Reorganise your wardrobe
Unless you were avoiding revision your room probably looks like this, no one wants to go home to that.
Line up your Valentine’s day date
Get on Tinder or go to the union, both have a similar success rate for sealing the deal.
Or don’t if you want longer locks…
Finally, just go out again
Everyone knows how much you were looking forward to it: