Lost and Not Found: Sex Toy Marooned in Solus

Sex toy found in Solus after Saturday night’s antics.

A small, pink, sex toy was found on Sunday night in Solus by Student Union staff.

Now, we all know about the debauchery that occurs within the hallowed walls of Cardiff Student Union on a Saturday night, but this is surely a new high (or low, depending on your level viewpoint).

The toy is said to be battery powered and Flux Saturdays posted on their facebook page: “get in touch if this belongs to you, although we’re afraid the batteries are now in our xbox controller…” – good to know the Union staff use their free time productively.

So in the biggest piece of news to hit Cardiff since some Made in Chelsea poser attended Soda, debate has been raging over who might own the delinquent dildo. The Tab trawled through Flux’s photo album from Saturday to review the contenders:

The girl on the right is looking pretty damn relaxed.

Give up guys, she has plans of her own tonight…

Lot’s of Saturday’s revellers have been staking their claim to the toy:

Conspiracy theorists are already accusing Flux and Solus of conspiring to plant the toy on the floor of the club, in order to attract more sexually promiscuous students to the club – apparently everybody is far too frigid…

More on dildo-gate as events unfold.