Election week madness

The Tab caught up with VP Education candidate Alex ‘Ginger Ninja’ White to find out how his campaign was going so far.

If you’ve been living in a hole since Thursday, you might have missed the fact it’s student election week in Cardiff.

Go to any lecture, uni building, student pub or nightclub and someone in fancy dress will soon be telling you their manifesto.

We caught up with VP Education candidate Alex White to find out how his campaign week was going as the Ginger Ninja.

The man himself

We asked Alex why we should vote for him
and he told us:

  • He’s actually a NINJA, see the video below
  • He’s noticed that here at Cardiff Uni we’re all upset about feedback, and he wants to have feedback reforms that students get to have a say on
  • He’s a true ginger, see this sign:

  • He’s committed to his cause, see our previous article about his winter barefooted antics
  • He wants to know what students think about their education so that the union can actually change things

Keeping Solus safe

BUT we’re not just going to take his word for it, so we asked what the students thought too:

The president of the Psychology society knows who she’s voting for

Okay this one may be a bit biased

But who doesn’t love a ninja? Especially when there are free sweets involved:

If you’d like any more info on Alex’s Ninja campaign click here or follow him on twitter @gingerninjacsu, like him on facebook or visit his campaign website here.

So if you haven’t voted yet go online and start using your power, click here to visit the CSU voting website and find more info on all the candidates.