Taly freshers host brothel-themed house party

‘Welcome to the whore house’


Kinky Talybont freshers threw a prostitute themed house party in halls on Saturday.

Guests at the 20th birthday party stuffed cash in their bras and wore handcuffs, corsets and suspenders as part of the “whore house” theme.

The two flats in Taly South House 23 got in the zone by covering the lights with red cellophane bags and played host to 60 scantily clad revellers.

Rory, a Business Management fresher who was at the party said: “There were 60 people split between two flats.

“By about 12 everyone was fucked but the party carried on until about 3am.

“Believe it or not no one paid for sex as far as I know. Well you would hope not – it’d be taking the theme a little too far.”

Fortunately the frisky freshers saved the shagging for their single beds after the party.

“It was a 20th birthday party for Abi and Alice, they both looked great and all the girls who came down from Worcester put in a lot of effort.

“I think we were all surprised it didn’t get shut down.”

The booby booze up was originally meant to be CEOS and corporate hoes themed – but it seems the change in fancy dress was to everyone’s benefit.

“The original idea was a bit hard for boys so we just went for something fun and a bit cheeky.

“We would 100% do it again. The girls organised the party so well and everyone had a sick time.

“To be honest it was the best pres we’ve had at Taly, including Freshers.”

If you like this, read The delicious, malicious pleasure of shagging girls with boyfriends.

Want to get invited to parties like this? Come and write for us: email [email protected]