What does your street say about you?
You’re too cool for Cathays Terrace
No? Well it’s a good job we’ve gone into the depths of Cathays and found out for you.
Miskin Street
“There’s always stoners in the play park” – Max, second year.
Where’s the party at?
Miskin street aka The Mecca of house parties. Famously known for it’s noisy and outgoing residents, you can’t escape the sound of blasting music very easily here. Home to some of the more laid back and experimental among us, everyone has or needs a friend on Miskin street.
Woodville Road
Does it ever end?
A shoutout to Cathays’ laziest mandem. Woodville road is pretty much the centre of everything, meaning it takes this lot no more than five minuets to get to uni. Residents of Woodville Road have an undying love for The Woody. They also have a collection of take aways along the road – they’re also too lazy to cook.
Cathays Terrace:
2 kwl 4 skl
The Cathays Terrace bunch are definitely the cool ones. Obviously they’re living the life with Lidl right next door, these guys have the right idea. You can expect the odd killer of a house party from these partygoers, they’re also exceptionally frisky.
Was blates positive
Column Road
Is that blue skies!?
Anyone with a personality need not apply. These boring fuck boys favour their quiet perches away from the hustle and bustle of Cathays. More likely to be found raving it up at the Julian Hodge study centre and complaining about the last social to troop past their front garden before doubling back to water the plant with a shower of vomit and piss.
Coburn Street
Big up the Vulcan
Here’s one for the rich kids. Coburn street is a haven for anyone who prefers class. Here you can find your Waitrose shoppers and swanky John Winter houses. Also known to be a social bunch, you’re bound to find the Coburn crew in the Vulcan Lounge on a Wednesday night before heading out for one of their many society socials.
Drink it with pride
Harriet Street
If Netflix and Chill was a person, they would live on Harriet street. Home to the dark horses of Cathays. You wouldn’t expect to be invited to so many house parties on Harriet street with it’s deceivingly idle atmosphere. It appears as though this lot are nocturnal, their real personality comes out at night when they let loose after a hard day of acting chill.
Fanny Street
Do we need to spell it out for you?