University staff have accessed thousands of porn sites from campus computers

We know what you watched last summer

While you were sipping cocktails on a beach this summer considering your lack of reading, researchers and lecturers were watching porn on Cardiff computers by the hundreds.

Adult sites like were visited on average 700 times per day during August.

The Tab can reveal naughty sites were visited more than 21,000  times on Eduroam over the course of the month. and were favourites by a long way, jointly accumulating 12,520 hits.

Other sites visited included and

Literotica provides user submitted erotic fiction which includes poems, essays and and stories.

Extremetube is part of the Pornhub network and specialises in hardcore fetish and bondage porn.


Eduroam covers not only the campus but also halls of residence – although regular term time letting agreements had concluded by this point of the summer.