What’s the worst thing about Cardiff Uni?
The queue in Lidl is really, really, really long
When you tell your mates that you’re going to Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, you’re greeted with the classic sheep shagging jokes and questions about where your loyalties will lie in the Six Nations. We know Cardiff is the bomb but it does have its flaws. What’s the worst thing? The seagulls, it’s definitely the seagulls.
Lidl at 6pm
The crossroads
ASSL in exam season
Everyone’s gone mad
The Seagull mafia of Cathays and Talybont
The price of VKs
It seems in the last year there has been a growing demand for our beloved VKs. Those fluorescent colored drinks have pride of place in the SU. Glowing proudly among the likes of vodka and jager you can hardly miss them. And yet they have only been made more bloody expensive. It’s simply outrageous having to fork out that extra 50p. Its almost as bad as being 5p for a plastic fork in the library cafes – I’m sorry but really? 5p? It’s almost as if we live in a capitalist society.
VK lovin
Library coffee machines
You’re in the library and all you want is to procrastinate in the form of slowly meandering to get an overpriced coffee from the coffee machines. We all have been there, slowly but surely you have been sat clock watching waiting until it is your moment to shine and that coffee is gonna be yours. Ah, of course the fucking machine is broken. Not only that but it stays broken for at least 6 days after, complete with some stupid poster saying it is “temporarily out of order”. Cheers library teams. Not like we need caffeine to help us through the 12 hour stints of sheer horror and panicking knowing our essay is due in less than 4 hours and we haven’t done a bibliography. Thanks a bunch.
[polldaddy poll=9182586]