Medic and Dental postgrad lecturers are the highest paid at Cardiff

Welsh Language are the second lowest

The highest paid lecturers are those teaching in postgrad Medical and Dental Education lecturers, earning a whopping £66,130 per annum.

The Tab can reveal the highest and lowest paid lecturers across courses at Cardiff University.

The lowest paid lecturers are those at the Cardiff Centre for Life Long Learning, earning £33,000 a year.

Salaries ranged from £33k to £66k, depending on the course.

Lecture salaries range from £33k-£60k

Welsh Language lecturers came in second as the worst paid, with a wage of £34,508

Other low rankers surprisingly include Profs at Optometry, Pharmacy and Engineering, ranging from £37,000 to £39,000.

Going up to the mid-leagues, Biosciences, Medic and even Psychology and Sociology lecturers all earn an average of £44,500, and lecturers of English Literature and Journalism are past the average wage earning £48,500.

Cardiff Business School lecturers earn a cushty £50k a year, most likely due to Cardiff Business School being one of the best in the UK.

Generally Physical Sciences do well with Chemistry, Computer Science, Maths and, Physics and Astronomy earning between £41,000 and £47,000.