The ASSL is not closed for refurbishment and will be open all night

It will remain 24 hours until June

The ASSL is not closed tonight.

Pranksters told the YikYak community the ASSL library will shut at 11pm tonight for refurbishment. In the midst of exams this caused uproar between students with impending deadlines and multiple exams in the week to come. The Arts and Social Studies Library has recently extended it’s opening hours and the shock of hearing them close for a night was too much for some.

Laura, studying English Literature in her third year was appalled they would decide to close in the middle of exams: “I finished on Friday but I know bare people who have exams. What are they refurbishing which so desperately needed to be done in the middle of exams?”


The Art’s and Social Studies Library staff however confirmed the contrary: “The Art’s and Social Studies Library is open twenty four hours from now until June. There are no refurbishments tonight and we’ve had several people call up asking. The library is open.”

When Laura found out the good news she said: “Fucking fabulous but I don’t actually need to be there cos I finished last Friday.”