We spoke to the people behind Cardiff’s x-rated Snapchat account

‘DiffSnaps are just a bunch of fake wannabes’

The exclusive story from the creators of Snapchat ‘CardiffUni’ and their 24 hour-hit.

The anonymous team were alone in their house on a Tuesday night and gained inspiration for the filthy snapchat from the “USW” story that had gained notoriety on Yik Yak. The boys in the group thought they could do a better job, primarily with more nudes and a faster uploading service – since dial-up we don’t wait for soft-core porn.

The house screen-shotted snaps sent to the account and used a third party app to upload them to their story after much deliberation over what could and should be posted to the account. The account’s name was chosen to be inclusive, by being vague they didn’t want to embody the CU/Met divide. Allowing for the full-on onslaught of nudes under a fake e-mail, of course. From here they made the account public and began marketing their endeavour on Yik Yak.

A member of the group told us: “We started yakking about how funny the “Cardiff-uni” snapchat was. We just wanted to see how viral sh*t could go over social media but nearing 3,000 followers in two days is mad. We laughed for a while but we had to start posting dick pics to appease the gay guys on YikYak. Our favourite picture had to be the spinning tits, due to their popularity on YikYak, and well because it was simply spinning tits. Then we ended up having a morality debate saying we can only post the pictures sent through a camera to make sure they were consensual.”

This opened up a whole ethics debate in their front room on Wednesday night. Running through the legality and classification of what they were doing, the group had a vote and decided against posting some of the videos and photos as they did not want any legal repercussions.

The next morning the story was gone, presumably deleted by Snapchat after Cardiff University’s complaints. The creators haven’t bothered starting a new account and have washed their hands of the dirty one night wonder.

Our conversation ends with the crew calling the latest filthy Snapchat story DiffSnaps “a bunch of fake wannabes”.