The first YOLO was fire

Gutted you missed it?

It’s the end of hump day and it’s time to celebrate. We went to YOLO to make sure everything was still as fresh as we like – and they out did themselves.

So if you missed one of the best events of your student year, get ready to feel the FOMO.

There were Cherry VKs

Thought you loved VKs? Wait till you pop your cherry on this Wild Cherry flavour, with a sweetness that rolls over the tongue you’ll find bliss hitting your taste buds with a sugar buzz to keep you going through the night. Better get there quick before they’re all ravaged next time.

Gutted they got orange obv

Drinks are still cheap

Something you miss when you’re hitting the home club is the £1 Sambuca’s and £3 pints. But heaven exists in the Student’s Union and your bankcard thanks you. Instead of dishing out £4.50 for one under-poured mixer you’re walking away with two shots, and a jager with the word ‘legend’ attached to your name.

The dance floor was prime

From the confetti scattering over dancing bodies, to the pure madness that was the DJ – this wasn’t a night you ever want to skip.

Getting lost in a song and the DJ mixing as smoothly as the swing of your hips is a highlight of the night. Some skills were laid down as we moved from ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’ to Daft Punk’s ‘One More Time’ and if that’s not something to celebrate then you can always look for love on the dance floor.

He knows he’s good

Service was unbeatable

With it being the beginning of the year the bar staff fly from end to end. We didn’t wait more than a second (maybe 2) before there were shots in our hands and that look in our eyes. With a quick exchange of the cash, a tap of the card, we were back to the dance floor and ready to get sweaty in a good way.

Also if you’re lucky the new staff will definitely over pour your drink.

Rugby boys are sweet af

A bonus to you mid-week night out is the flood of societies at Y Plas. And this week the rugby lads showed up in full force and they know how to make a party. From a girl to girls: don’t sleep with one. But if you want a night full of chanting, antics, and memories you’ll never forget these are the guys you want to buddy up with.

We love them really <3

Freshers were in full force

We love freshers. We wish we were freshers. And if you are a fresher – you know why. Bringing hometown moves to the club we were inundated with skills for the rest of the year. As they’re flashing their newfound cash it’s easy to chirpse a beer or two in exchange for the wisdom you’ve learnt over the last few years.

Everyone looked fit

It’s freshers and despite days of drinking everyone still makes that touch of effort which makes the night sparkle.

YOLO is every Wednesday in Y Plas – I’d get my ticket now.