Cardiff Uni ranked the number one LGBT employer in the UK

Congratulations to us

Cardiff University have been ranked the top education organisation for LGBT in the Stonewall Top Employers 2017 with Swansea University coming a close second.

The other top five universities were De Montfort University, Manchester Metropolitan University and Manchester University.

In the overall rankings two Welsh universities came within the Top 50 with Cardiff at 23rd and Swansea at 31st.

Stonewall are one of Britain’s leading LGBT campaign groups.

Other Welsh organisations that were ranked in the top 50 were the National Assembly for Wales which was ranked 5th place and the Welsh Government which was ranked 25th.

The accolade of Employer of the Year went to Lloyds Banking Group. They not only topped the whole rankings but also achieved the same ranking as the top employer in Wales and Scotland and the top financial services organisation in the UK.