SU Candidates 2017: Everything you need to know

We asked each candidate to outline their main aim

Campaigning for student elections began at 9am this morning. To help give an idea of each candidate’s objective, we asked them one simple question: “What is the one thing you want to change most about Cardiff University?”

Without further ado, here is a kindly compiled list of every candidate and their one major policy – organised by roles.

SU President

Hollie Cooke

“I’ll improve communication. Students should know what elected officers are doing. As the current VP Welfare I know we put immense work into improving the student experience, but students don’t know this. Having a manifesto is one thing, ensuring students know what you are doing to achieve it is another.”

Milly Dyer

“I would want to work with the University and the Students’ Union to help make Cardiff a more inclusive place. Whether this would be through promoting awareness campaigns such as LGBT+ and Black History Month, working with all 10 Campaign Officers on their manifestos, making sure students at the Heath have access to all of the same services and working with our Postgraduate Students so that they have the help.”

Nathaniel Fox

“I can’t single out one thing because there’s plenty to change and improve. We need a president with fresh ideas, who is brave enough to listen to what students want and capable of actually getting these things done. I believe I am this person.”

Sam Stainton

“I would like to change the structure from a top down angle, where the current board work ideas and see what works to a bottom up system where students can more regularly gain direct contact to the president, vice presidents and the elected officers through regular Q and A session. The union is the 4th best in the country, but I want to make it first! Better connections means better relationships. I want to be a president on the ground that everyone can regularly connect with.”

VP Education

Chiron Hooson

“The way in which students access, receive and engage in crucial information on employability advice. Also, individually ensuring students can discover what they want to do. I want you to be happy with how you respond alongside being happy with the teaching standard, learning methods and support you receive here at Cardiff University, ensuring you get the best possible education.”

Fadhila Al Dhahouri

“What I would like to change the most is our services and facilities provided to support our students. Whether it is the issue of free printing, more e-assessments, night buses, plug sockets, lecture recording or support for International students, there are plenty of things that need improvement.”

James Daly

“Communication of services. Cardiff University has a great variety of amazing services many of which very few students know about and are therefore unable to access, whilst at the same time making it harder to justify their provision. I would like to make access easier and more convenient especially for placement students and those with full days.”

Nancy Cameron

“I would like to make Cardiff University number one for developing employability and career based skills. We’re already high up for research, our student’s union and degree schemes but we still need to improve the success of students once they leave. By having an integrated employability module in all degree schemes (as proposed in my manifesto), this would set every student up successfully for the world of work.”

Vani Juneja

“I would like to introduce a ten minute reading time during examinations because there are various courses for example law where students are expected to read and understand long questions with a complicated language and answer it all within a time span of two to three hours. Of course a pilot scheme would be the best judge of that but it is something that should definitely be tried out.”

VP Postgraduate Students

Jake Smith

“We need to support undergraduates who are considering postgraduate study through workshops on the costs of a masters and by giving postgraduates the opportunity to mentor undergraduates through the application process. Then we need to offer postgrad focused support for financial, academic and housing issues.”

Véronique Seguin-cadiche

“The way the University and the Student Union engage with its students. There should be more coordination between the Student Union and the University. To be able to engage with students more particularly Postgrads and break the ice, the Student Union need to engage with the student rep, the tutors, include staff members in social events.”

VP Societies

Aidan Cammies

“I would lower society membership fees, by ensuring all societies that want sponsorships can receive it easily through a sponsorship list on the SU website. Lower fees would go a long way to increasing engagement and encourages new students to try new sports or hobbies!”

Alex Stewart

“I want the university to do more for students who are thinking of careers outside of their university degree, by offering more support to student led businesses, art projects or freelancers by establishing a space for these students to test their ideas and sell their creations on campus so they can gain experience, customers and a little extra money on the side!”

Lamorna Hooker

“I’d encourage course-based societies to hold more non-drinking events, such as inviting guest-speakers or having networking events with established corporations. I also want to make sure EVERYONE is included and that everyone has the opportunity to try any society or event they want to.”

Tom Morris

“My wish would be for students to be more aware of, and more able to partake in, all the great stuff you can get up to through being a Cardiff student. So many students, especially in first year, think it’s all about either working really hard or going on loads of nights out. So many people don’t know about all these activities, which are not only fun but also often very useful for your employability and all those other words people perk their ears up at.”

Seb Walker

“Yolo & Juice? No one likes queuing! I want to enable card entry and offer a night bus service, especially handy for those in far reaching places such as uni halls! Being a president of music society I know how crucial funding is so I also want to provide a sponsorships fair businesses and organisations.”

VP Sports & AU President

Stefan Psota

“The thing I would like to change most about Cardiff University is to create a unifying feeling of togetherness and belonging in-between all sports teams of Cardiff University, to be supportive of everybody’s achievements on and off the pitch and thereby establish a feeling togetherness by representing Cardiff University in whatever sport.”

Tom Kelly

“Cardiff University is a great university, but invests less in sport than it’s piers. If I elected I would want this to change and for the university to recognise the benefits sports bring to each and every student in terms of welfare and academic attainment allowing the number of students involved in sport increase.”

Holly Thomas

“I want to lead an Inclusive Sport Campaign. I will work tirelessly with all the campaign officers to ensure that all potential athletes are welcome in all AU clubs regardless of their sexual/romantic orientation, gender, ethnicity, religion or disability.”

Dan Schmeising

“Inclusivity in sport is a topic close to my heart, but it’s lip service if you don’t have an environment that supports and celebrates the achievements of ALL athletes. I want to foster this through education of clubs not punishment, and through this we can grow an AU for everyone!”

Sam Wild

“My main objective is to encourage participation throughout, particularly by reducing the costs for IMG and AU registration and fixtures. With that said, I also want to promote performance by increasing the number of discounted gym memberships available to team athletes, and ensure facilities such as the astroturf and swimming pool are at the same high standards as the teams who use them.”


VP Welfare

Annabel Jardine-Blake

“I’d work to enhance the welfare services already in place, to make them accessible to more students and consequently improve overall student experience. Welfare is something I’m passionate about and I’d love to have the chance to make a difference.”

Holly Jones

“My heart is set on trying to reduce the stigma that is still associated with mental health. I believe all personal tutors should be better educated about mental health. Ultimately, I don’t want any student at Cardiff to feel they can’t speak up about their struggles.”

Kate Elswood

“I want to make sure that all students receive the advice and support that they need to make their university experience as worthwhile and enjoyable as possible. I’d also like to make sure that advice from the Students Union reaches more students by recruiting more volunteers to carry out campaigns.”

Matt Procter

“My main priority will be improving the mental health provision the University offers. With a strong correlation between dropout rates and un-managed mental health issues, the University is losing future revenue by under-investing in counselling provision. If elected, I’ll be writing a business plan to increase the counselling budget, and looking at other ways to expand provision.”

Nick Fox

“The thing I would most change about Cardiff Union is that I would create a ‘Rate my Letting Agent’ scheme for students. This scheme would allow students to see repeat bad agents and avoid them when signing for a house – with the effect of this helping to drive up student welfare in the housing market.”

International Students’ Officer

Jo Tan

Truth be told, Cardiff University provides a wide range of facilities and services that satisfy the basic needs of an international student. Hence, what I want to do is not to dwell on changing but to improve from it by strengthening and also tightening the bond of international and national students even closer.”

Mental Health Officer

Jamie Plumb

“Ultimately I want to help change attitudes towards mental health at Cardiff University. I believe that working closely with University sports clubs and societies, as well as local charities, will help promote mental health awareness, with particular emphasis on sports teams where mental health stigma is still an issue.”

Disabilities Officer

Charles Knights

“If I had to change one thing I would like to make sure that the treatment towards students in disadvantaged situations was similar across all schools, especially in relation to extenuating circumstances. Students find it variable how much support they get depending on time of year, school, and college.”