Over 50 per cent of Cardiff students are voting Labour in the upcoming election

26 per cent will be voting Conservative

Cardiff students who participated in The Tab’s snap election poll have mostly voted in support of the Labour party, taking 52.5 per cent of the overall vote.

26 per cent of Cardiff students said they were voting Tory, as Liberal Democrats held 12 per cent of the vote.

[infogram id=”vote_by_party-820″ prefix=”RuW” format=”interactive” title=”Vote by Party”]

The survey was completed by more than 300 people from Cardiff, participants being asked which party they were voting for and their reasons for doing so.

More than 50 per cent of voters said they chose their party based on policy, and nearly 15 per cent said they would vote for a party because of loyalty to that party. Five per cent admitted to copying how their parents vote.

[infogram id=”why_did_you_vote_this_way” prefix=”Cpu” format=”interactive” title=”Why did you vote this way?”]

Majority of voters chose Labour for their policies at 63 per cent, however out of the 176 Labour voters, only 4 per cent cited Corbyn as their reason. 12 per cent of voters felt there was no better option for Cardiff.

[infogram id=”why_i_voted_labour” prefix=”rpt” format=”interactive” title=”Why I voted Labour”]

Conservative voters made their decision based on policies mostly, however 30 percent voted Tory because they felt there was no better option. Teresa May as leader was 12 per cent of the reason conservatives were voted for.

[infogram id=”why_i_voted_conservative” prefix=”997″ format=”interactive” title=”Why I voted Conservative”]

The Lib Dems were voted particularly in favour of their policies at 34 per cent, but out of the 43 Liberal Democrat voters, 27 per cent felt there was no better alternative. Influenced by who their parents voted for took 6 per cent of the poll, as 18 per cent admitted to having different reasons for voting for this party.

[infogram id=”why_i_voted_liberal_democrat” prefix=”nsY” format=”interactive” title=”Why I voted Liberal Democrat”]

Make sure you register to vote for the General Election before 11:59pm on 22 May. It only takes five minutes to sign up and get your voice heard.