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PSA: Charity shops are actually peng and you all need to start going to them

Can we go thrift shopping?


When you're on a budget, it's hard to regularly donate to different worthwhile causes whilst managing to buy everything else you want and need. Charity shops are the solution. You can find anything and everything for a fraction of the price than a regular store.

There are loads of reasons why charity shops are a better option than cheap fashion stores, too:

They're cheap af

Have you been staring into your wardrobe disconsolately for lack of inspiration? When your student loan starts running dry, charity shops are always your friend. Everything is guaranteed to be cheaper than what you'd find on the high street, including pre-loved designer items.

Image may contain: Shirt, Clothing

You can find individual pieces

Once you start buying items from a charity shop, it is highly unlikely that you and your friends will accidentally buy the same dress or winter coat. (See green puffa article as a prime example of this.)

So original

They're often local

Most neighbourhoods have a decent selection of charity shops and they're often on the same road, too. Albany Road in Roath is home to Scope UK, British Heart Foundation, and PDSA to name a few.

You find all the things you never knew you needed

Too skint to buy fancy presents for your housemates in the festive period? Charity shop it. A wine glass that holds an entire bottle, board games, greetings cards and bobble hats, all for just a few quid.

Next year's Halloween costume?

There are hidden vintage gems

Inter Aid on Crwys Road is an Aladdin's cave of charity gold. Downstairs is rife with games, books and the more ordinary clothes, but upstairs is stuffed full of outrageous fancy dress costumes, vintage items and deliciously bizarre one-off statement pieces.

They're an eco-friendly option

Buying a new top to then toss it away after just a few times of being worn is a terrible waste and we do it all too often. It is impossible to produce ethical, eco-friendly clothing at the rate that fashion demands, whilst maintaining high and environmentally sustainable standards. You can give a piece of clothing a new life and when you've had enough it, donate it back!

Bragging rights

"Yeah, I got it for two pounds in a charity shop."

No, really.

You're supporting charities!

Whilst it might be stating the obvious, with every purchase you're supporting a worthwhile cause and giving back. For example, The Red Cross' three-hundred shops raise five million pounds in profit every year, helping thousands of vulnerable people in the UK and the wider world.

So go forth and be charitable. Buy your festive decorations second hand and make a difference to someone else's Christmas.

At the very least, you'll feel like a better person for it.