Why does literally every girl at Cardiff wear these very questionable trends?
Admit it ladies
Nineties fashion has made a bold comeback in 2017 and it's still going strong in 2018. Some of the consequent results are making for pretty astonishing viewing.
From heart-shaped hoops to fetish accessories, we've complied some of our absolute faves…
Mom jeans
They're unflattering on 99.9% of body types, but we still love them. Off to Lidl? Mom jeans. In a rush to uni? Mom jeans. Can't be bothered with anything or anyone? Mom jeans.
Fetishistic vibes in Family Fish.
*That* North Face puffa
I swear everyone has this?
Underwear as outerwear
When it rains in Wales, it pours -but that doesn't stop us wearing a cute festival bralet to Bump 'n' Grind when it's -1 degrees outside.
Grandad jumpers
When you've contracted pneumonia/your immune system starts to fail, as a result of wearing your undies in the rain on a night out, good old grandad jumpers are your saviour.
Hoop earrings were never exactly out of style, but they're making a major resurgence. They're so easy to wear and complete any look, especially when they're impractically large and heart-shaped.
Fishnet tights
Fishnets add a fashion forward edge to that jumper and chunky boots combo you exhausted in first year.
Pom pom earrings
Who needs to be sexy when you can be this fun?
Double denim
Is double denim really a fashion crime, after all? Urban Outfitters, ASOS and Topshop have all reflected the 90s trend by selling more blue on blue denim this year and we are LOVING it.
Sportswear (to the club?!)
Not on the netball team? Hate the gym? Never participated in any sports whatsoever in your entire life? Fear not. It's irrelevant now, anyway. It's now acceptable to wear your Adidas T-shirt out – and the older the better. (Your Fila tracksuit top from year eight is 'vintage' now, apparently.)
It's all fun and games until you have to pee…
Bum bags
Let's be honest – these things are dirt. On the flipside, they're super handy for festivals and interailling, so let's all pretend they're cool to keep our parents happy.
Love these looks? Tweet us your own dodgy trend pics to @thetabcardiff
Photography: Sophia Stancer
Models: Ericka Louis-Marie, Lauren Reeves and Mared Parry