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How to throw the perfect Halloween party in Cardiff

It’s that time of year again

Halloween is right around the corner, and the celebrations have probably already started. Whether you’re going as a witch, a cat or that hoe from the Kanye West video you first need to plan your party.

Halloween parties can’t just be pres, they need to be epic. And if you’re anything like me, you want people talking about it for a long while after- but for the right reasons.

So here’s 10 things you can do this Halloween to make your party unforgettable:

Spend some dollar on decorations

You can do Halloween parties on the cheap, but to get that wow factor you need to spend at least a little bit of your student loan on some decorations. But be smart, don’t just buy a bloody hand print to stick on your window

DIY – these decorations can be cheap

Halloween doesn’t have to be expensive however. If you’re looking for a cheaper Halloween party this year, I suggest Pinterest as your best friend. Get creative. Teepee your own house, go wild. Around this time of year a lot of people are selling their decorations on selling sites or market place

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Make Halloween punch

Iceland are currently selling punch bowls for a quid. Shove some vodka, cranberry and plastic spiders in the bowl. Boom! Halloween punch.

Don’t invite everyone you know

Be selective with your invitations, choose people. It’s okay to do that. If you know there’s that one person who’s likely to get to drunk and ruin the whole thing, just don’t invite them.

Get some party food, scary theme optional

Get some cheap food in, be that mac and cheese, pizza, or Iceland party food, make sure you have some grub ready for your guests. They’ll thank you for that. It’s just one more example that you’re willing to go that extra mile to make your guests happy.

Hide smash-able things

Don’t be silly, wrap your valuables. Halloween usually gets quite messy, so make sure there’s nothing people can break. This year I bought in Halloween paper cups just to protect my glasses – genius.

Image may contain: Tile, Clothing, Apparel, Person, People, Human

Put up Halloween lights, which you can leave up for the rest of the year!!!!

Amazon are currently selling Halloween packs, in them you get lights, and a projector to give the room that spooky vibe without having to have the main bulb on. In addition to this a projector is a great way to save funds. It’ll project around the room without you having to spend a fortune on lots of little lights.

Charity shops

Charity shops are a gold mine for old creepy things, and they’re cheap! Get some creepy ornaments in for that true spooky vibe.

Go the extra mile

Make sure all your guests are happy, let them choose music, play games, check they’re not too drunk. Be the perfect host/ess.

Let the rest take care of its self

As long as the decorations are on point, your music is right, your guests are fed, the rest will take care of its self. It’s a sure fire way to have your guest in awe the moment they walk through the door.

With this in mind have no fear, because your Halloween party will be absolutely spook-tacular.