Image may contain: Party, Night Life, Person, People, Human

Cardiff’s Halloween best dressed 2018

If you’ve got it, haunt it

The fun of Halloween may be over, but to reminisce about last nights antics and the excitement of dressing up, we have compiled a list of Cardiff's best dressed from Halloween. There were zombies, brides, Shreks and everything in between from the celebrations last night. So if you're currently nursing your Halloween hangover, (trick or) treat yourself to a look through the outfits you wished you pulled off last night.

Classic Cardiff fuckboys of the year

Squad costume of the year

Meddling kids of the year

Iconic duo of the year

Geographer of the year

Sister of the year

Psycho bride of the year

Beer goggles of the year

Girl squad of the year

Movie buffs of the year

Wedding of the year