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University of South Wales rugby teams suspended amid police investigation

Police are investigating the men’s competitive rugby teams, with all activity currently suspended

All four of the men's competitive rugby teams at the University of South Wales have been suspended following allegations of "unacceptable behaviours."

South Wales Police are currently investigating allegations. The USW Students' Union have said: "Some individuals involved in competitive men’s student rugby may have engaged in abusive behaviour, other misconduct and behaviour incompatible with that expected of all members of the university community."

There are also reports that several students have been suspended from the university.

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USW Students' Union has spoken out about the allegations

The extent and manner of these allegations is currently unknown. However, a statement posted on the Students' Union website read: "USW SU expects the highest standards of personal behaviour from our members and we have zero tolerance of behaviour that falls below that standard.

"Our values are inclusiveness, diversity and equality and are embedded in all of our activities."

A police spokesperson said: "We have received information from staff at the University of South Wales and the matter is being investigated."

The university are urging any students affected or requiring support to contact the Education and Welfare officer in their region.

If you have any information, get in touch via email [email protected], or contact us through our Facebook or Twitter.