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Swansea’s first rugby team pulled from tomorrow’s Varsity match against Cardiff

Swansea’s seconds will be playing

Tomorrow's Welsh Varsity rugby match is in danger of being an unfair competition as Swansea's first team have had to pull out of the tournament due to a fixture clash.

The change of plans comes after the Swansea firsts beat Newcastle in the play-off semi-finals of the BUC's rugby league, meaning they are due to play against Nottingham Trent tomorrow instead of appearing at the Principality Stadium.

The turn of events have sent Swansea University into a scramble to build a Varsity squad out of second team players, and students affiliated with regional academies. However, this could end in an unfair game as the Swansea seconds play four tiers below Cardiff's firsts – at the same level as Cardiff's fourth team.

Swansea University firsts have reportedly tried to reschedule the play-off final against Nottingham Trent, even offering to give up their home advantage, however have had no luck.

In a statement, Swansea University Rugby Club said: "Despite offering in excess of eight alternative dates to Nottingham Trent, and even the offer of giving up home advantage, Nottingham Trent University refused all attempts to accommodate our reasonable request to secure an alternative date for the play-off fixture.

"Swansea University Rugby club will be fielding a Barbarians-style side consisting of University Regional Academy players, along with a mix of some of our most up and coming first and second team players."