EXCLUSIVE: Meet the fighters for Fight Night Part VII
It’s back for another instalment
Fight Night is a top night out in Cardiff and definitely something you don't want to miss. Part VI last semester banged but if you did miss it, don't worry because Part VII is on its way and The Cardiff Tab have the lowdown for you.
It's happening on March 24th 2020 so it's time to meet the fighters who will be centre stage on the night.
Brenna "Barbie" Taylor
First up we've got Brenna, a final year at Cardiff Uni studying Biomedicine.
Tinder line: "I could have called heaven for an angel but I was hoping you're a slut instead".
Preferred drink: Screaming orgasm on the rocks.
George "The Fister" Finney
Next up we've got George, a second year Medical student at Cardiff Uni. Personally we're glad that there's a medic involved, someone to fix everyone up after the fight.
Tinder line: "What's your perfect Sunday roast?"
Preferred drink: Double Baileys orange juice, our mums would approve.
Harvey "Haymaker" Giles
Harvey is a second year Sports Coaching student at Cardiff Met.
Tinder line: "You can't spell menu without me n u so whassup baby".
Preferred drink: Double gin and tonic, standard.
Henry "Miskin" McCloskey
Next up is Henry, a second year Business Management student at Cardiff uni.
Tinder line: "Click the deliveroo link and we both get a tenner". How could anyone say no?
Preferred drink: Vodka and lemonade (with a hint of lime).
Jake "The G.O.A.T" Goodridge
Jake is also a second year Business Management student but at Cardiff Met.
Tinder line: "Roses are red, violets are twisted. Bend over, you're about to get fisted". Can't help but love a guy who's got a knack for poetry, right?
Preferred drink: Vodka lemonade.
Jamie "The Paynemaker" Payne
The first fresher in the lineup, Jamie is at Cardiff uni studying Architectural Engineering.
Tinder line: "You put the sexy in dyslexic". That's a new one.
Preferred drink: Jagerbomb. Classic fresher.
Kelly "The Killer" Read
Our next fresher is Kelly, a Primary Education student at Cardiff Met.
Tinder line: "Have you seen the mistake Spotify have made about not putting you in the UK's hottest singles?"
Preferred drink: Strawberry vodka with lemonade.
Kinari "Lowkix" Adiani
Kinari is a third year at Cardiff Uni studying Business Management with Marketing.
Tinder line: "God took up so much space to make my heart big enough for you that he forgot to leave space for my boobs".
Preferred drink: Rum and coke. A girl after our own hearts.
Liam "Fireman" Berry
He's got the degree to back him, Liam is a fresher at Cardiff Met studying Sports and Exercise Science.
Tinder line: "They call me the fireman because I find them hot and leave them wet."
Preferred drink: Jagerbomb. Catch him and Jamie doing Jagers together x
Luke "The Falcon" Falconer
Luke got his nickname from his surname and we respect that. He's a third year at Cardiff Uni studying Business Management.
Tinder line: "Is there a phone in your back pocket? I swear your arse is calling me".
Preferred drink: Dragon soop. Interesting guy.
Martha "Motherfucking" Bisland
Another Sports student is on the cards, Martha is a third year Sports and Physical Education student at Cardiff Met.
Tinder line: "I'm good with ball sports, who wants to play?"
Preferred drink: Gin and tonic. Classic.
Nick "The Flamethrower" Byrne
Nick is a second year Business Management student at Cardiff Uni.
Tinder line: "Is your dad a boxer? Cause you're a knockout." You can't get a more Fight Night suited Tinder line, can you?
Rory "Toxic" Thomas
The first of his kind, Rory does Philosophy at Cardiff Uni and he's in his third year.
Tinder line: "If you're looking for a STUD, I've got the STD, all I need is U." Who doesn't love a fitting nickname?"
Preferred drink: Milk. Hmm, we're not sure on this one Rory.
Scott "Tripod" Jakeman
Scott is a third year Physio student at Cardiff Uni.
Tinder line: "?xes evah ot tnaw uoy oD… i didn't want to be too forward!"
Preferred drink: Lukewarm tinny of Stella. Unsure of the lukewarm part Scott, sorry.
Solomon "The Redemption" Banks
Solomon is a second year Computer Science student at Cardiff Uni.
Tinder line: "Hi and welcome to the incredibly average chat line. Please choose from the following options. Press 1 for a joke; Press 2 for a question; Press 3 for a compliment; Press 4 for meaningless sex; Press 5 for an insult; Press 6 to tell me to fuck off; Press 7 to refer to a friend; Press 8 to repeat the options." Think we might have to go with option 8, and then possibly followed with 2, that's how conversations work, right?
Preferred drink: Vodka with diet coke. Calorie-aware, a true sportsman.
Tommy "The Tank" Pike
Finally, we've got Tommy who's a fourth year Medic at Cardiff Uni.
Tinder line: "I'm 6 feet and 3 inches. By the way, that is two measurements, so banking on your standards being lower than mine".
Preferred drink: Unflavoured whey protein. The most questionable drink yet? Quite possibly.
And there you have it, this year's fighters at Fight Night Part VII. Tickets for Fight Night are still available, don't forget to wear your best and you may just make it into this year's best dressed.
Feature image via Paper.
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