Having a finsta is definitely a personality trait, there’s no doubt about it
Follow request declined, soz
Fake instas, or ‘finstas’ for short, are a true personality trait for us Fiat 500 gals. You may not have one, but you definitely follow one and they probably post on it way too much. Many people that don’t have one will not understand how important they are to us, and how they definitely are a personality trait. We’ve compiled a list of some of the reasons why we value and love our finstas oh so much.
You can share quality night out footage
Those 30 self-timer pics your and your mates took? Too much for the main but you can guarantee the priv insta will be seeing those bad boys, just like it saw the drunk videos of you singing karaoke last weekend. This quality content deserves to see the light of day and not lost to the depths of your camera roll. Exhibit A:

We love a self-timer
Perfecting your vlogging skills
Holiday vlogs, day drinking vlogs, A&E vlogs, you name it and the priv will have it. There is a small space in this world for the humble amateur vlog and that space is the finsta. There’s none of those professionally edited Youtube vlogs because we’re talking real-time, real-talk vlogs that your friends are gonna hate you for, but will you stop spamming their timeline? No, never. Sorry Karen.

So many vlogs
It’s a reminder of the best times
Privs are great for being able to access all of your funniest and fondest memories with your mates all in one place. You can take a scroll (lol) down memory lane as often as you like and relive your craziest drunk nights with your friends, or look back on the best videos from a lads’ holidays. So much quality content to be consumed. You’re welcome, friends.

Far too ugly for the main, but can guarantee it’ll be plastered all over the priv
You can show people how punny you are
There is nothing more satisfying than perfecting your priv insta or priv story name. The punnier, the better. But be warned, before long you may start being called by your finsta name rather than your actual name depending on just how good it is. Priv insta names are a display of how witty you truly are.

Plz just don’t follow my priv insta thanks x
You can post your friends’ ugly pics (because why not?)
If there’s one thing you can do with finstas, it’s taking the piss out of your friends. Whether it be the most clapped photo you swore you wouldn’t share, or the embarrassing Renegade TikTok they sent you thinking no one else would see it. That’s the quality content for the finsta that the rest of your friends just have to see. Soz hun, I don’t make the rules.

Only positive of having clapped friends
You can rant to your heart’s content
Sometimes life comes at you fast and you need somewhere to let off some steam. Your mum won’t understand, your sibling cba to listen and your dad is snoring away. Enter the priv insta. Prepare your friends for a three story rant about anything and everything that bothered you that day and expect at least four replies sympathising with your situation. Thanks, friends.

Angry reacts only
You can get a second opinion on everything
Can’t decide what dress to wear for your big night out? Don’t know whether to have chicken nuggets for dinner or fish fingers (yes we really are that indecisive). Priv instas can help out even the hardest decision-making by exposing your dilemmas with your nearest and dearest. You’ll also get a reply faster than you will in the girls’ group chat where you’re brutally ignored. Rude.

Stay tuned to find out
Finstas, they are near and dear to our hearts and a big thank you to all the fans who, on a daily basis, help pick Saturday night’s outfit or support us through the endless breakdowns over uni work.
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