Locos has been closed down due to lack of social distancing measures
It will remain closed until ‘adequate measures are put in place’
Cardiff Council and South Wales Police have issued Locos a notice of closure. The bar, which is located on Miskin Street near the Student Union, has been forced to shut down due to inadequate social distancing measures.
Cardiff Council has confirmed that the bar will remain closed until better measures have been put in place. The owner of the bar told Wales Online that they had tried everything to enforce social distancing but had found it difficult sometimes.
Locos told The Cardiff Tab: “They have shut us down as we failed to maintain the social distancing. I have no complaints as they are doing their job and at the end of the day they are trying to save some vulnerable lives.”
They added that maintaining social distancing is difficult unless everyone behaves responsibly, and that students who had visited had not adhered to the pandemic rules. Locos said: “They know everyone in this area and everytime they see each other they shake hands and hug each other.”
Locos will be closed for at least 2 weeks and are hoping to open up after taking additional precautions and improving the social distancing rules. Locos told The Cardiff Tab: “Till the time they [students and other guests] are in my premises, it’s my responsibilty [to ensure that social distancing is maintained].
A Cardiff University student told The Cardiff Tab: “I’ve been to locos a few times over the last couple of weeks and was initially shocked by the lack of social distancing there. The bouncers acted as if we weren’t in a pandemic and seemed to pick and choose who they wanted to come in! I’m not surprised they’re closed to be honest.”
Another student added that it was deserved and that: “There’s been huge crowds outside.”
Locos is currently working to ensure that the adequate measures are in place so that in the future, social distancing will be better enforced.
A week before, on Monday, September 7th, five bars in Cardiff had been threatened with notices of closure if better measures enforcing social distancing weren’t implemented. The bars included Coyote Ugly, Peppermint, Mocka Lounge, Rum and Fizz, and Gin and Juice.
Four of the venues (Coyote Ugly, Peppermint, Rum and Fizz, and Gin and Juice) currently have improvement notices in place but have also made some improvements which if continued will lead to the notices being withdrawn.
The fifth venue, Mocka Lounge, have implemented measures they were asked to comply with, and therefore, have had their improvement notice withdrawn.
Officers will continue to carry out compliance checks at all licensed premises to ensure that adequate social distancing measures are in place.
Feature Image: Facebook / Locos
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