“The Students’ Union, alongside the University, seeks to support students to engage in discussion and debate as part of their education and development.

“Where this occurs, the Union takes a role in ensuring that such speakers are aware of their rights and responsibilities, balancing freedom of speech and expression with regard to other legal requirements and protections such as public safety, prevention of crime and the protection of the legal rights of others.

“Having been satisfied that an event meets the above criteria as set out in the events booking process, the Students’ Union has no grounds to stop an event from taking place.”

One twitter user argued that Widdecombe’s event contradicts the SU’s policy towards’s speaker events, stating:

“I plead, if you have this policy in place for the protection and wellbeing of marginalised communities of students, you must stick to it.”

Another user tweeted that the it is “absolutely appalling that such a person with views that marginalise communities can be platformed.”

The Conservative society responded to the criticism in a tweet reading: