Listen up: Here’s everything freshers need to know before agreeing to live with someone
Housemates can really make or break your uni experience
Freshers can seem like such a blur, especially when you’re stuck in the confines of your six-room flat. Choosing the right people to live with in second year is more important than ever now that you may have to quarantine together.
So, we’ve created a list of all the things freshers should know before agreeing to live with someone, just to make that big decision that little bit easier. You’re welcome.
If they annoy you after two weeks, then it’s only going to get worse
Chances are if someone in your halls is annoying you after living with them for a few weeks, then things aren’t going to change in a year’s time. In fact, what was once a small inconvenience will soon become the bane of your life. Basically, if they irritate you already, then maybe it’s not the best idea to take up their offer of living in a house with them in second year. Before you know it, you will have resigned to live with them in third year and your few years at uni will all have been plagued with their presence.
They leave their dirty dishes in the sink, on the side, and on basically any flat surface
This may seem like something you can easily overcome, but after a long day at uni – especially with the added stressed of being confined to your house – we promise that the last thing you’ll want to see when it’s time to make some dinner is a huge pile of dirty dishes. It’s gross and makes it impossible to clean your own. Trust us, we’ve been there. Next thing you know you’ll be yeeting a 16-piece dinner set into the garden out of rage (maybe not my finest moment).
Your ideas of a good night-out completely clash
If your ideal night-out is sinking a pint of dark fruits at The Woody and stumbling home worse for wear in the early hours, then choosing to live with someone who would rather be snuggled up in bed with a book by 10PM might not be ideal. Although you can respect each others interests, there is nothing worse than having a housemate who is on a completely different wavelength to you. It leads to more arguments than you can imagine.
They’re a top shagger
Whilst they may be a catch with the ladies/gents, them shagging randoms until four in the morning after every YOLO and Juice will mean your beauty sleep will be in jeopardy and that is not something to piss about with.
They give off the vibes of a social sec
Whilst in the first few weeks of uni having pres at yours means never being late and never having to walk in the rain to someone else’s halls, having to clean up the sticky dining room table and floor for the fifth week in a row is not ideal. Especially when you’re getting up for 9AM Zoom calls, and are in desp need of a coffee ASAP.
They haven’t cleaned their bathroom since Mummy dropped them off to halls six weeks ago
That bottle of bleach you spot in their en-suite when you go over is looking very lonely. And whilst it may be all fun and games when you have your own bathrooms in halls, you’re likely to be sharing a bathroom in second and third years. A crusty toilet seat and mouldy shower is nobodies best friend.
Whilst we know it’s difficult to find housemates to live with in normal times, let alone during a pandemic, we are sure with this advice you’ll make the right decision and have a banging uni experience.
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