Forget New Year’s resolutions, we’re doing Post-Pandemic Promises instead
‘I’m never saying no to a tequila shot’
After every Christmas break, most of us are being asked about our New Year’s resolutions, and let’s be honest, how often do we stick to them? We get the three-month gym membership and religiously go for how many days? A week tops? “I’ll definitely attend all of my lectures in person this year,” a promise I made myself last year and then the pandemic happened – a sign from the universe, who am I to deny her? Anyways, it’s no longer January so who cares about our new years resolutions?
New Year’s resolutions are just boring and unattainable, so we asked Cardiff what their post-pandemic promises were and here are some of our favourites…
Straight to the point and a classic choice, really. Pub crawl is where it’s at with multiple friend groups and ending the night in Live Lounge. If this isn’t the British response to everything, I don’t know what is.
‘I’m having my hoe year’
Swiping on tinder during a pandemic feels like window shopping – if you’re following the rules and not doing the “socially distanced park walk.”
‘Snog all my friends’
Honestly, same. It’s the secret hugging for me but don’t we all just miss a good make out sesh? With friends, with strangers, with anyone really. Might need them to sanitise their mouths pre-snog though.

Drunk kisses are everything
‘Never saying no to a free gig!’
Because never saying no to a paid gig is too much of a commitment, especially with the budget we need to work with, right? This sounds like a good and fair one, how do you even say no to a free gig though? We’ve got questions for why this has been turned down previously.
‘Not saying no to a tequila shot’
Or any shot for that matter, pour it down my throat. Chuck it at me for all I care. I’m going out every night (for a week at least) once those clubs open up again, that’s a promise you really should make to myself.

No thoughts just the sadness of not being in the club with my besties
‘Travel more’
How many holidays have you planned? I keep wishing I’d skipped the 6 bags of sensations every day (not a joke) and stayed sober during every drunk flat night.
‘Go on more dates’
If you’re not having brunch with one person and then dinner with another, are you even doing your post-pandemic time right? Bottomless brunch, going to the aquarium, double dates with your bestie, and if it goes well: not so many regrets the morning after?
‘Support more small local businesses/cafes’
How many brunch plans have you made? Coffee dates? Going vintage thrift store shopping? Honestly anything is an occasion at this point. If lockdown has made me realise anything, it’s that I hate Jeff Bezos and how Amazon have managed to thrive off the closure of small businesses. When they finally get to reopen, I’ll be doing everything I can to support them. Small book stores are better anyways, sorry Jeff x
‘Finally see the castle’
Wait, some of you still haven’t been? I’ve been here over a year and I haven’t gone yet either to be fair BUT I didn’t know we’d have a pandemic hit us.
‘To exercise more’
Classic promise from anyone in Tier 4, I’m feeling the guilt of an unused gym membership right now. How did we ever take it for granted? Never knew I’d miss the gym so much, not to mention the benefits it has on physical and mental health. For many students, gyms are a key part of their lifestyle, and they cannot wait to be back.
‘Slut it up!’
See ya’ll on the dance floor, I cannot wait to regret 90% of my mornings after. You do you babe.
‘SU at every possible chance. Fully sending it on Wednesday night.’
Yeah, a pretty big mood. What’s the point of our sports memberships if we can’t have our dressing up nights at YOLO? If you didn’t start planning your pres for YOLO as soon as the vaccine came out, did you even experience the lockdown? Just feel sorry for those third years who have had their last night at Juice and didn’t even know it.
‘Keep making time for my hobbies like I’ve finally been able to during the lockdowns.’
Silver lining about the lockdown was all the free time we had for ourselves, right? Many people have rediscovered skills or things they’re passionate about, and have focused on them throughout lockdown. From embroidery to jewellery-making, baking and quiz-making.
‘Take the lovely lady who works at Salisbury Road Tesco on a night out.’
Oh shooting our shots, are we?
‘Say yes to more things so I don’t regret missing out!’
We’ll one-up this: Do the whole ‘say yes to everything for one whole day’ and then let us know how it goes? Cannot be done during lockdown because some of us stay in bed all day with only TikTok on.
‘I will not wear pyjamas 24 hours a day.’
Yeah, I’ll be noting that one down too… Alternatively: normalise wearing pyjamas on nights out????

Grey hoodies all day everyday
‘Hopefully reunite with my partner. He works in Canada and I work in London’
Wholesome content! We’re rooting for your reunion! x
‘Bruh, I just wanna get a Sunday roast.’
It just really isn’t the same anymore, is it? Please can we go back to a lower tier soon?

In desperate need of a carvery with my best friends
‘A solo trip!’
Love this! More time to meet new people and more of what YOU want to do.
‘Drink less wine’
Some of us need an alcohol cleanse. You know you should go on one if two bottles of wine, two shots, and a double vodka coke doesn’t get you tipsy despite the empty stomach (Yes, it’s disappointing for us all.)
‘Keep not interacting with human beings’
Fair. Some of us do love the whole 2 meter distance and wearing a face mask so nobody can see our awkward expressions when we’re walking on our own. Also adds the aura of mystery – other people can’t be a hundred percent certain it’s you unless they’re really close and then whoops! Gotta keep the distance, guys! (Some of us are THRIVING)

All I want is my mood octopus
While we’re all stuck in another lockdown, one way to stay optimistic and hopeful is to think about everything you WILL do once the pandemic is over and back to normal, however long that takes. It’s also a good motive to get that part-time job and save up for all the nights out, holidays, restaurant trips, and trains to absolutely wherever.
Related stories recommended by this writer:
• Believe it or not: I went out every night of the week and spent under £20
• Hitting the gym and going for a pint: what Cardiff students are doing after lockdown