11 Green Flags to look for before your next date
Because red flags are so outdated
As summer draws closer and the nights become longer, there is no better time to find your perfect match. Thinking about all the red flags and icks leaves us asking: What can you do right?
Well, there’s really only one answer: Green Flags. We asked Cardiff students what they thought were green flags when dating and here are the top 11.
Someone who loves the SU
The SU really is where dreams come true. Whether you’re a Cardiff Uni student or not, you’ll appreciate the passion that students have for SU nights. If you love the SU too, then you are definitely waving the biggest green flag of them all.

Meet us at the bar?
If they do their shopping at Lidl
This may seem obvious, because Lidl is the place of happiness, but you’d be surprised how many food delivery vans deliver around Cathays. If we see you getting Ocado deliveries, it’s a big no go from us. A Lidl goes a long way – just think about having a summer picnic with a croissant from the Lidl bakery.
Anyone who prefers orange VK’s
If we are behind somebody ordering a green VK, then we are swerving them (we literally had to google the flavour). The general consensus of Cardiff students is that orange VK’s are elite, so write that down. An orange VK just is the way to our heart.
They aren’t afraid of the Cathays rats
It takes a brave brave soul to be able to handle the wrath of the rats in Cathays. Not everyone can handle rat confrontations so if you can find somebody who is willing to fight off the rats for you, then keep them CLOSE.
They have the ability to make a Cathays house more homely
Living in a Cathays house is a truly unique experience, but unfortunately making them homely is easier said than done. If you can find somebody who has finessed the ability to make a Cathays house homely then you have found a winner.
Goes to The Taf quiz on a Thursday
If you know, you know. The Taf quiz is where it is at. Every Thursday night The Taf is packed full of eager quiz goers, and your future soul mate could very much be part of the quiz buzz.
Adores Bute park
Bute park just is the centre of student life, therefore an important green flag has to be somebody that also can appreciate the love for Bute. The ability Bute has to lift up your mood is one of a kind, how couldn’t somebody be obsessed?

Bute, sun, drinks, music = happiness
Owns a JUICE bucket hat
A slightly niche green flag but just as important. If somebody has the determination to fight through those SU crowds to secure a JUICE bucket hat then they truly are one in a million.
If they’re winning varsity
With Varsity returning this year, this is a slightly newer green flag, but if they tell you they were on a winning team in Varsity, snatch them up.
Does their daily Wordle
Wordle is the biggest obsession right now, you need someone willing to start their day by tackling their daily Wordle. Settle for no less.
Writes for The Tab Cardiff
Need we explain this one?

We know you want a t-shirt
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