New statistics show Cathays is the most crime-ridden area in Cardiff
In June 2022, 637 offences were recorded in the area
South Wales Police have recently released their crime statistics for June 2022 which showed that the area most plagued with crime in Cardiff was Cathays.
Cathays had 637 offences reported during the month with 168 being violent and sexual offences, 104 shoplifting, 66 bicycle theft, and 55 anti-social behaviour.
In the statistics the area of Cathays includes Bute Park, the city centre and the University Hospital of Wales, alongside the main student area of Cathays.
These figures compare with 145 crimes in Splott, 318 in Grangetown and 193 in Adamstown during June.
This newly released information follows the announcement that new safety measures such as extra CCTV and help points would be placed across Cardiff.
The Cardiff Tab reached out to Cardiff University for a comment regarding what they were doing to make students feel safer in Cathays, their full statement said: “The safety and wellbeing of our students is paramount, and we ensure every effort is taken to keep them safe.
“That is why it’s important that these figures are put into context and to stress that they relate to acts committed in the University’s immediate location of Cathays. Such crimes may not be against or involve students therefore any suggestion that the University has a specific issue with violence or sexual assaults would be extremely misleading, irresponsible and could cause unnecessary alarm.
“Cardiff is Wales’ capital city, the largest city in Wales and one of the largest cities in the UK. The University is physically based in the city centre near to one of Europe’s most thriving night-time economies. The city also plays host to some of the UK’s biggest sporting and music events, attracting thousands of visitors. Therefore, there is no fair comparison between Cathays and other parts of the city or other parts of Wales.
“However, we are not complacent and recognise that acts of violence and sexual assaults do occur. That’s why we have developed a proactive, University-wide approach to addressing these issues, which acknowledges the prevalence of violence and abuse in society.
“We work in close partnership with Cardiff University Students’ Union and other key community partners including Cardiff Council and South Wales Police and have developed key initiatives designed to help safeguard students’ personal safety at night. These are available to Cardiff University students. They are directly communicated and outlined on our student intranet.
“Initiatives include the Safe Taxi Scheme to help students get home safely on nights out and the Student Safety Walk project which supports students who may feel uncomfortable getting home alone late at night. Volunteers offer a walking service to students on selected evenings, providing security, advice, and referrals to other services such as the Safety Bus and the Safe Taxi Scheme.
“We also have tight safety measures across all of our halls of residences and University buildings. We have dedicated 24-hour security with CCTV coverage of the majority of University buildings. Free personal safety alarms are also available from our security team and the University has also invested in the SafeZone safety app. The app is a quick and easy way to alert University security or South Wales Police when help or assistance is needed.
“When students are on campus, SafeZone can show you where you are on a map. It also allows students to communicate with out security officers via text message.
“As part of our response to incidents of violence, we have introduced an online disclosure tool so that students can disclose their experiences. This allows a student to identify themselves or remain anonymous if that is their wish.
“Students making an identified disclosure receive practical advice and support from a team of trained Disclosure Response Advisors who can help manage immediate or ongoing safety concerns; listen and talk directly to students outlining options available for both specialist support and reporting; and provide practical advice on housing, finance, or studies. They can also prioritise appointments for students who have experienced an incident of violence and/or abuse in the past 72 hours and may wish to preserve forensic evidence.
“Students disclosing anonymously help us form a clearer picture of the problems that universities – as a microcosm of wider society – face.”
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