This is what Cardiff University’s societies are doing for Movember
Over £16,000 has been raised so far
Some of Cardiff University’s societies are taking part in this year’s Movember campaign in order to raise money for the charity which focuses on raising awareness about the stigma around men’s health.
Movember is a global fundraiser that aims to raise money to improve the health of men, with a particular emphasis on mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer.
Cardiff University raised £61,000 for Movember in 2021 and this year, 493 people and 44 societies from the uni are participating in raising money for the charity. Already Cardiff Uni’s total has reached over £16,000 and their target is to beat the previous year’s amount.
Cardiff University Rugby Club, Phystory Rugby, and Cardiff University Men’s Cricket Club are the top three teams among all those participating so far and have together raised over £8,500.
Zach Beresford, a Masters’s student studying international relations is the Movember Ambassador for Cardiff University and when asked what his goal is for this year, he said: “My goal with supporting Movember is to get people to think more about men’s physical and mental health. It is often overlooked in society – particularly men’s mental health. The fact that 75 per cent of suicides are men shows just how much men’s health needs talking about!”
He continued by saying: “Movember is important to me as I have struggled with my mental health. I know what it’s like to be in a dark place. I know how important it is to understand the issues men face globally.”
Thomas Stoke from the Ultimate Frisbee Committee noted that: “Movember has been a charity that our sports club has been supporting for a very long time, to the point where it is almost a tradition in the club itself, this alone is one of the reasons why we choose to support Movember each year as well as the fact that it helps spread awareness for a great cause.”
He further added: “We have a good mix of men and women in our Movember team so naturally most of the men are growing moustaches and then a good amount of us are raising through running and one of our team members is cycling to and from Swansea, these events are being shared through social media and being shown to friends and family.”
Keep yourself updated by checking the official Instagram page of Cardiff Uni Movember.
Feature Image Credit: Zach Beresford
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